Would you do this or which way would you like to go and why?
I want to donate my body to science,
Not enough people do that.
I’ll be dead, so I might as well help educate someone with my non usable body.
I’d like to be cremated due to an unusual belief which I won’t go into.
I’m 50 maybe I’ll get a will organised this year.
Cremation, ashes scattered in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California.
Donated to science, the remains creamated and planted under my favorite tree in the woods I played in as a kid.
I might be able to see myself doing this.
Until now my happy medium sort of felt like being buried in a cemetery with the bell attached to a string in case I wasn’t quite dead yet… but if my body was just heaped somewhere outside that would solve my problems. A little tongue and cheek, here maybe but it got me thinking.
My Dad did that… my stepmom said it was like losing him twice… once, when he passed, there was a wake, and, once when his body was buried, a year or so later.
I was as okay with it as much as an only daughter could be. He may have helped a med student with studies… and maybe she would find a cure for alzheimers.
Do what you feel.
idk its a very touchy subject, i dont like the thought of being burned tbh
I wanna be cremated
I honestly am not bothered.
Once I check out it really doesn’t matter.
I am signed up for organ donation but I doubt they’d be interested in a smoker and someone who has abused drugs
It would be nice if they looked at my organs and stuff to see if they can help develop psychosis drugs that are kinder on the body
Science, let em chop me up and study me
Cremated, but I want to have my muscles/heart donated for muscular dystrophy research. It can help the researchers study.
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