Thinking of going off meds

Hi all. So i’m struggling with the fact that I think my voices are real people. I haven’t heard voices for 14 weeks but this is, I think, because the people doing it to me are giving me a break (but it also corresponds with a med increase) .So I believe by stopping my meds I will get my voices to return thereby proving that I have sz. What do you guys think?


Not a good plan, a severe psychotic breakdown may happen, stop this experiment for the sake of caution,


Why are you doing that? You trying to get disability? I wouldn’t quit my meds. You’ve already proven you have sz or you wouldn’t have the meds


Not a good idea. Abort mission. :exploding_head:


I have considered it too, to “prove” I am schizophrenic. The thing that stops me is remembering how delusional I was. No need to go deeper down the rabbit hole.


Yes the temptation of confirming I am sz Is very hard to resist. It would answer so many questions I have, not knowing is a curse, I’m obsessed with voices being real

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You will end up in the hospital or jail.


Yes probably I don’t think I could go back to how loud and debilitating the voices were

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I’d just accept the fact that a med increase got rid of them as proof. Don’t mess with success.

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I mean, what more proof do you need other than the fact that the meds that you started taking a while back, which are designed to stop auditory hallucinations in people with psychotic illnesses, stopped the voices you were hearing?
I think you’ve said it yourself before, that the voice you were hearing told you it was going away but it would return on date x. Now that date has passed and it hasn’t returned.
Are you sure you wanna risk a psychotic break?

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Just remember, the meds may not work as well if you stop them and get psychotic again. Then you be stressed all the times with delusions, and hallucinations

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I have schizophrenia. I know it, and I accept it.

The things I’ve been through aren’t normal, and I believe in science. I think the doctors have the only real tools to help me, and I know they aren’t perfect.

I hope you keep using the tools given to us by science to help with our condition. Please keep using your medications.

Delusions are hard to fight, and I try to give mine a sort of skeptical acknowledgement.

I’m not in some sort of divine role, I’m just a person with a illness. There isn’t anything supernatural happening when I see a hallucination. Its an error like when your vision blurs when you dart your eyes back and forth.

I know its hard to get a grip on them, but delusions aren’t all powerful, you have control. You can choose to take the safest route to testing them, and by doing what your family will want for you.

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Don’t do it!
You are risking a lot.


Because your voices aren’t real, I would try to ask them to think of things you don’t know, and if they say something, I would then research if they were correct.

Think of any sort of field you’ve never been in and ask if they have any accurate information about it, that you yourself don’t already have.

I think that’s the key. If you think your voices are real people, try to get them to reflect a unique opinion. If they are truly individuals they will have outside knowledge.

Do not stop taking your medication.


Cant beileve you remember that date. It was st paddy’s day!. I’m just so convinced it was real. I also believe that the voices knew I had a med increase and coincided that with a break just to trick me! Your right though and very rational

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Thank you all for replying


Here’s what’s going to happen if you go off your invega. You might be fine for a few days or even a couple weeks. Then you voices will come back and when you try to go back on the invega it will take a long time for them to go away.

If you stay off meds too long and go really psychotic then you can end up worse off for a much longer period of time.

If you have this delusion it may not even go away with your experiment. Logic would tell you that the meds have silenced your voices at this point… yet you still believe.

My 2 cents

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Bad idea all around. The fact that you are on AP meds alone is proof enough that you have sz.


Please stay on meds. You don’t have to prove to anyone but your psychiatrist that you have schizophrenia, and he already knows.


Other things will happen to you besides voices, that’s the easy part