Things seem so surreal today

I’ve been off all day. Things don’t look right. It’s sort of what it’s like when you take your glasses off, you can’t see or hear. I know that sounds weird, but for anyone who wears glasses you know what I mean. It’s like my senses are totally off. Askew, that’s it, everything is askew. I’ve had no choice but to be lost in thought all day, thrown to the wolves of my mind, I’m chewed up. I hope when I wake up tomorrow everything is back in it’s place and this day would have been a dream.


I hope you feel better leafy!

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Thanks canuky. What are you up to? How are you doing?

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I wish you a better tomorrow @Leaf!

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Thanks @Wave , how’s your night going?

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I’m doing so so, I have a medical appointment tomorrow so I’m kind of anxious about it.

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Oh sorry, I get anxious too. I want to make sure I say everything I need to say and I’m always worried about what they’re going to say. Is it for your tummy trouble? You don’t have to say what it’s for if you don’t want to.

Yes it’s for my tummy trouble.

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I hope it goes well @Wave and you get some answers, or tests so you can get answers.

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I’m doing okay. Thanks for asking. Probably heading to bed soon.

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