I look "crazy" today

Maybe because I’ve been growing a beard and sweated a lot last night in my sleep and I got a frown on my face. But I look in the mirror and I feel I look very crazy. Not in a good mood I’m real depressed. I’m also paranoid about Two people are harassing me I wish would never contact me again. I’m taking all my meds as prescribed.

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Sounds like you’re having a rough day. It’ll pass. You normally seem to be doing well.


Rough night last night. I think if I get to writing my new idea it will pass. Felt hopeless last night and actually “bored”. I never feel bored!!! Plus I couldn’t find my remote so didn’t even watch the Yankees game. And these two stalking ppl were harassing me.

If it’s online can you block them somehow?

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1 is online and 1 is offline.

Well hopefully you can block the one online easily. I’m not sure what to do about the one offline :thinking: .

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take a selfie so we can tell you if you do or don’t. If you want

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After 3 1/2 cups of coffee I look much less crazy now. I should mention I had some disturbing dreams last night so that could have contributed.

so you feel better? That’s great. You know what happens to me sometimes. My eyes get all wide and my pupils get all small and it just stays that way, I look crazy as heck. My husband asks why I’m doing that eye thing again so I go look in the mirror and boom, crazy eyes. I can’t even feel that its happening. weird huh?

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I’m sorry you woke up already starting a bad day. I hope it improves for you.


I get wild-eyed at work near the end of the day. I just started noticing it lately from the looks people are giving me and looking in my cars mirrors.

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Hope your day has gotten better.