Things have improved since quitting benzos

Instead of having no desire to do anything (and not doing anything), I now have desires to do things (but still don’t actually do anything).

I think what I’m trying to say is things have improved internally if not externally.

The benzos put up one hell of a fight though. I really hope I don’t have a benzo relapse.


One day in the not so distant future, I will try to get off Benzos

I’m beginning to wonder if they weren’t causing at least some of my negative symptoms too. Or at least preventing abilify from helping with them.

If you’re going to give up be prepared for a battle royale.

I quit by taking it really really slowly. I started off taking one every other day for 2 weeks, then one every 3 days for 2 weeks. Etc etc. That slowly.

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Yeah I don’t know if I am quite ready to quit just yet.

I am expecting some anxiety with either Vraylar or Rexulti - the Benzos could help a bit.

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Congrats on getting off benzos. I quit 20 years ago.
I do take Buspar for anxiety, Seroquel for sleep.

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Congratulations on getting of benzos.

That would have been a hard fight.

I’m glad things are improving for you now you are off them. It must make the fight seem worthwhile.

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Having no benzos in the house might help prevent relapse. I assume you need a prescription to get them (barring street drugs) so this could be a barrier to taking them in the future.

Thanks turtle. Did you speak to the counselling service for codeine?

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Yeah, I have a prescription for them, and have about 30 in the house. It’ll be a few months before I’m confident enough to get rid of them from the house though. But you’re right, that’s what has to happen eventually.

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Only the phone counselling service.

At my work they have a program for counselling. You can get six free sessions and no one at work knows about it.

I forgot to get the number before I left for the week but I think I might try that.

I have my psychiatrist appointment this afternoon and he might have some more information for me.

Thanks for following up @everhopeful.

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