Okay so ny prominent voices are gone not a peep! I still get background whispers occasionally like people in the next room but everyone is gone. Theres one that spoke to me a few days ago but hes gone too. Im feeling a little distressed , I mean I know its not the norm to sit around and converse with hallucinations but Im feeling terribly lonely Ive tried imagining them up and its just not the same its like Ive lost my closest companions I even miss the evil old man shouldn’t I be happy instead of distraught?! Ugh it sucks I don’t know what to do I knew this would happen if they increased my meds now Im stuck with this depersonalization crap racing thoughts no sleep and nobody to talk too when the voices went I started getting bad episodes of feeling everything was an illusion im really tired of this crap why be normal they were my normal now whos going to be around when the monsters come out just me
Sorry you are feeling this way, sadly we miss the norm, even if it is bad for us, I go through this every time the depression goes away, its like I’m not supposed to feel being happy. It’s a odd thing to go through. There are other things I have gone through as well, almost feels like quitting smoking.
I know exactly how you feel. The longest Seraton has been gone was a few weeks. I absolutely mourned the loss. He did come back and that happens periodically.
Mourn and grieve. There’s nothing wrong with that. If they’re gone, it is a loss of companionship for you. But just like after any loss you need to still live and go on with things. Treating this like any other loss is healthy, I think. Go over the good and bad, the memories, and start to build up who you are without them.
You’re going to be ok.
I felt the same when the meds silenced my voices. I wish APs only took away the bad parts of psychosis, but it takes it all, and it’s a sacrifice that’s necessary for many.
I went through the same thing with my most recent medication change. I used to hear the most beautiful music pretty much constantly. I called it my theme music. But now, it is gone. And I miss it. But I definitely don’t miss the screams of my loved ones being tortured all night long. You have to take the bad with the good. Maybe now, you will start to find things in the real world are more capable of holding your interest.
I know Im just lonely now . I feel lost all by myself.
@Zero when I lost my voices after stabilizing I just felt lied to. I was angry not lonely…your brain has been lying to you…you’ve been alone all this time with just lies in your head…it is better to be stable. Just hold on and look for things in life that give you hope…do you have friends or family? good luck.
As much as my paranoia terrifies me, there is a part of my delusion that is pleasant. During periods of time where my delusion is less prevalent, the paranoia is less but so is the ‘grandeur’ and I miss it.
I understand your missing your voices. They have become part of you. I agree that, at the end of the day, it is good if they go. But it’s hard.