My voices have vanished

I am so confused. I can’t “hear” them at all. They’ve all been cut off from me. I can’t feel them, nothing. The only one I faintly feel is Azriel. I am so confused. Has this happened to anyone before?

I feel like I’ve been cut off from my entire support system. Kind of panicking here.

Try to relax. When my voices went silent, I felt bored and alone. This is a normal reaction according to my pdoc. It’s like something’s missing. But it’s a good thing in the long run. Try to enjoy the peace and quiet.


Why would they just go away like that though? It’s not like when they go quiet and I don’t interact with them like when I’m not in episodes. It’s like they’re gone entirely.

Nice, savor these moments and find something similar that they have in common, and continue doing whatever that is. Stay prepared though, you never know. I’m happy for you

Presumably, if there is a state of psychosis, there must similarly be a state of not-psychosis, or rationality and sanity. Looking back on my own history, I can remember periods of intensely delusional thoughts and periods of normality and sanity. I would try to hold on to it.

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my demons i see but cannot hear…yeah !
:alien: my aliens i still see and hear…( the aliens are good ).
take care

Greys :grey_question:

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:alien: i have had the tall and small grey aliens…but these are 5 blue tall ones and before that i had a solitary tall alien ( 1 ) behind me, they are actually very helpfull and wise.
take care

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I currently have 0 negative symptoms for the past 2 weeks and I have done NOTHING different.

I have no idea why they would be gone. but they are . sometimes the brain can just not be explained


Are you taking medication? If so, there’s your answer.

Find the common denominator and you’ll get your answer. Something different than your normal routine

No like I said in an earlier reply, this isn’t like my non-psychosis, psychosis states. When I’m not in an episode the voices are still there, just non-intrusive, I choose to speak with them or not, it’s fine. They’re still there though, and I feel them there.

Currently I’m in an episode (which should be where they’re at their most talkative) but they’re just gone. I don’t feel them. Nothing. Something that should be there that isn’t.

This isn’t a good thing for me, the voices I lost weren’t the negative ones, they were the very good ones that guided me through life and helped me maintain sanity and some level of function.

So weird. I’m not even on meds or anything.

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I am not either, just a vitamin regimine

me too, someday the voices suddenly become mild. i wish they vanish like you too.

Maybe they are tricking you? Pretend to be gone and then come back laughing at you. My voices get mild sometimes they get loud. Yesterday I told two persons in my support group about my voices. They got all nuts after that and yelled at me on my way home. I’m not supposed to talk about them. But writing is ok. I don’t think they can read.

Edit: the voices yelled at me. Not the two women I was talking to. :slight_smile:

Sometimes I wonder how society would react if one of us had proof that the voices behind the torment belonged to real people. Would anybody care? Would these people be held accountable for what they have done, or would it just be swept under the rug; because too much corruption and abuse of power has been involved?

Most symptoms with mental illness come in waves. So you can have periods of relief, years even. Can also progress to other symptoms. So keep an eye on it.

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There are times my voices just leave… and lately they have been fading.

But when my head is silent… It’s very disorientating. I have no idea what causes it.

Something that has been helping me cope with my head gets silent is to use that time to meditate on something I want in life.

Or I journal my thoughts with out the voices. I try to use that moment and prove that my brain is still working… just working quietly for now.

I know how jarring it is to have everything go silent quickly. I hope you can relax and know that they will be back soon.