My voices and people in my body put me through so much. Since I wake up until I sleep they hurt and torture me these days. They were really hurting my lips and eyes today and I told them to leave me alone but they wouldn’t, and someone royal person thought I was in his head and said he wanted me dead but I don’t have this type of telepathy. I am just afraid of gettting murdered. I hope this is mainly a delusion. How can I protect my mind and body from such cruel people.
I’m 70. First episode was at 24. I have found that there is no figuring it out. Medication has been my answer.
I feel like everyone is siding against me and if don’t accept their side I will face a life of isolation, threats of violence stalking and misery. The point is I don’t agree. I want my own life back, my freedom, my own place where someone’s flying monkeys aren’t harassing me.
My roof tapping and delusions have also put me through so much, once again I approached with open arms and was betrayed.
I can relate to how you feeling. Are you taking any meds?
@oldfred1 I pray to live that long. Mind I ask you what medication you are on?
I have the same thing going on. I feel very weak because of it. It’s spiritual and I can’t fight it. I am even afraid to type about it.
I’m currently on Perphenazine. Any anti-psychotic seems to work.
All antipsychotics would work for me. Some a bit better than others but I don’t think I gave them all as much as a chance as I’ve given abilify. Because abilify has few side effects. I take abilify. Have taken 11 different ones. They all helped my sanity. But some the side effects were worse than being insane.
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