Of doing things I’ve never done and would never do. They are referring to thoughts in my head. The more I defend myself, the more they accuse me.
I’m sorry your hearing voices. I know how you your suffering well. Are they really loud or faint? Have you tried all the meds?
They’re not as loud as a real person speaking, but they’re extremely mean. I’ve tried a lot of the meds but not all of them. I think I might have to increase my dose. I’m on Loxapine.
That’s what I did. I increased my dose of risperidone from 4-6mg and now I don’t hear them anymore. I hope the same happens for you. I know they can seem very convincing but they are not real and deserve none of your attention, they are nothingness
Thanks so much. You make me feel much better.
My voices are very negative. Mostly they just call me a huge loser.
Sorry to hear that. My voices are nothing but negative.
I remember when the voices were saying that I was not supposed to listen to them, and then they beat the living daylights out of me for doing so, even though there was no way in which I could stop hearing them.
How low that was !
Then there was the time that the h3ll they were putting me through was soooo extreme that my mind had to turn inward away from them to protect myself, and do so to such an extent that for some time I could not see that what they were accusing me of was the exact same thing as what they were doing to me.
Darn low life’s !
The things your voices did to you are exactly what mine have been doing to me. They beat me up in an extreme way for listening to them and absolutely torture me with accusations, saying I’m doing what they are actually doing to me.
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