They force me to take meds

I hate them… i wanna kms for real but im scared

I think they’ve got the right idea. By not complying you lose power, not gain it.

yes but i want to kms and is that any better

I wish it were easier…praying for you.

killing yourself won’t fix anything… you will just come back and get same stuff all over again.

They not allowing that you don’t take your meds then i gues?

What do you mean?

that killing yourself is not a solution… not gonna go into it too deep but trust me it won’t solve things. And besides your life could get better still, you got a whole future for you ahead.

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They will take my phone away if I don’t take the ■■■■■■■ medd
I’d rather go to a psych ward ngl

but in the psych ward they will also give you meds.

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i dont care. I aint taking meds voluntarily

That is not a good idea. :fox_face::fox_face::fox_face:

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i don’t think fighting it is gonna improve your life… you will be fighting all the time =/


Why not? :frowning: i’m done with being forcibly medicated

I hate meds and aint gonna take them

Next time I’ll escape

Yeah, because homeless and psychotic on the streets is definitely a safe way to live. :unamused:

Look, you need the shelter and you need the meds. Maybe not the combo you’re on, not that’s not going to be fixed my running away.

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What should I do then? I’m not currently psychotic

You’re also currently medicated.

Start a symptoms journal. Write down the date and time and how the meds are making you feel. Write down the symptoms you’re having despite the meds. Write down your mood. Then, by tracking all this stuff, you can show your doctor or therapist and they can help advocate for you. They’ll have more too go on than just you trying to refuse meds. They’ll have a basis for suggesting this med or that treatment plan.

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i’m only on the injection and wont be taking it tomorrow

Well, then you’ll need to switch to pills. You sound very aggressive a lot of times. Maybe you would benefit from something more sedating.

how am I being aggressive? I wouldnt hurt anyone