Trying to get off meds

I went to psych ward cause daddy took me there. and played the role of suicide. since I had only 2 options psych ward or homeless shelter . And they diagnose me with sza . But I guess these psychs know wut there talking about. Wut I’m getting at is can any of you give me a step by step manual to get off meds . My mgs are weak I can always skip psychs appointments . But outreach is the problem . Know what I’m saying?

Don’t skip appointments … Stay on ur meds! Seriously u could end up there again… And in a worse condition…

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Agree to disagree. because before I ended up in psych ward I was working a lot I had a job a girlfriend. Now with these meds it’s the opposite

Ya and before I went to the hospital… I had my own apartment 2 jobs a relationship lots of friends… And after 7 years guess what I have… a place to live a job friends and I chose not to do relationships they weren’t good for me back than so why would they be now… It just takes time to adjust… it seems impossible now but with time and finding the right ones you can still have that life… Nothing’s stopping u… But getting off meds and relapsing is going to be worse than being on meds … delusions become real… Reality becomes a conspiracy… Its not good…I’m sure others will give their opinions…

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Please continue to take your meds. Pills of any kind (antibiotics, thyroid meds, blood pressure meds, antipsychotics, etc) are prescribed because they are medically necessary. Your meds are necessary, they’re not just something to be whimsical about.

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Shouldn’t I have final say?

Looks like no matter how many wise, well-meaning people try to help you, you will.

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You do have the final say, but it’s also unreasonable to ask for people to help you do things that are bad for yourself. Nobody wants that taint on themselves, nobody wants to be partially responsible for you damaging yourself. It’s very selfish for you to ask that of people, like your thread asking for advice on taking alcohol and valium. If you are going to make bad decisions and damage yourself, don’t try to drag other people into the mud with you.

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Hey onion where you from feel like pulling a Jay and silent bob

Trying to get off medications when you’ve been stable for a long time and things are going well - thats one thing. Thinking that the medications are the reason you’re in a homeless shelter is not accurate or helpful and going of your medications is something that will likely make things even worse.

This is a “support” forum for people. We want to help people live better lives , not make them worse.