There's no such thing as a cloning machine right?

Where you a press a button and the person comes out as exactly the same age as the one intended to clone?

No. That’s science fiction. Any clone would have to be grown from an egg and grows as slow as any human baby to adult.


I hope not! I would hate to be cloned :frowning:

No. You seem to have good days and bad but that is sz. There’s no human cloning. They’ve cloned a sheep and talking of cloning a Mammoth but it’s not practical technology.

It’s hard but you were making some good steps and admitting you were thinking different and delusional. You need to cultivate that more and work at it. It’s just smoke and mirrors from a brain disorder. It’s not mystical or magical.

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If it ain’t on Amazon, it doesn’t exist.


I just think because my boyfriend is the devil it could be real?

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Your boyfriend is not the devil. You are having symptoms. Are you on any meds??

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Can @rogueone answer?

I’m afraid that if I got cloned I would get in a fight with my double.


Lol. That’s funny :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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They have cloned a sheep before. I think it didn’t come out identical to its clone/donner, but it was identical when it grew up.

Maybe you should fight the sheep instead?

Probably so … 15

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It’s not real. It’s smoke and mirrors and you continue to follow these thoughts. Meds will help but you also need to work on what is real rather than delusional.

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