The Whole Truth and Nothing but

So as the lunatic I am I got a hi end set of scales today. I can afford it if I ease up on some spending and as I look at it all it’s an investment in my health.

Been doing good. More free weights. More walking and more jogging. Diet still pretty static but not the worst. Still…My body fat…I know this isn’t the most accurate thing but 33.7% !

It’s something to strive to overcome for sure so I’m into it. For the truly literate …what is a good body fat percentage? I need to be healthy and I have some fitness goals like bowling in winter cricket. I can do this!


What kind of scales?

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The druggy personality in me immediatly thought you meant scales for wieghing out weed lol. But im sure you meant for your weight lol!

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I think an Olympic athlete will be 1-5% body fat. 10-15% is a good number to shoot for. I’m right around where you are


I thought the healthy average is in the 20’s %.


Your probably right, that is what I was told in a health class.

18.5 to 24.9 – you are within a healthy range BMI


About 10-15% looks good and is healthy for men. You could probably stretch it upwards both health-wise and depending on people’s idea of beauty. Some chubbiness (bmi < 20) is not necessarily unhealthy.


Fitbit Aria 2 @Moonwalker

Mine’s probably at least +15.0% that .

Oops, I meant < 25, of course. 20-25 is the “normal” range. 18-25 some places.

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I’m unhealthily obese. I look like a sumo wrestler when I take off my shirt.

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Hope this bmi chart helps.

i try not to worry about being a bit overweight

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