Man thin as hell

checked my weight about an hour ago on mom and dad’s scale and it said i weighed 135 pounds. that’s less than i weighed in high school. i’ve lost 13 more pounds in the last 11 weeks. i was 148 pounds when i weighed at my nurse’s last time i got my shot. i would like to be 150 pounds. i will know for sure what i weigh when i go back to my nurse’s thursday. gonna have to start eating more. i honestly had no idea because i still have a little belly, so i was thinking i was maybe 145 pounds which is healthy for my height, but now im underweight.


Are you eating 3 meals and 2 snacks a day?

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no ive been eating one big meal a day, sometimes i eat twice a day. i don’t get hungry, because my metabolism is so slow on meds. but sometimes i do get lightheaded, i guess im not eating enough. this is the first time i’ve weighed myself at home for like 2 years. i usually just wait til i go see the nurse every 12 weeks.

i lost a lot of weight these last 11 weeks. and i had no idea.

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Have you been more active?

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Honestly I wish I had that problem.


I used to weigh 50kgs. It is not pretty and the negative health effects are very serious.

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As long as your BMI is normal, you’re healthy.


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I think it’s still healthier than being obese.


I don’t think it’s fair to compare them. Both can be deadly, and anorexia is the most deadly mental illness. Being naturally lean but having a normal weight is not a problem at all, but being underweight can lead to a lot of horrible things like osteoporosis, losing your teeth, having a compromised immune system and getting sick all the time, anemia and severe nutritional deficits. And it’s not any easier to fix than obesity is. They’re both difficult struggles that impact quality of life and overall health.


Being underweight also makes you loose hair, I lost lots of my hair when I was 125lb at 5ft10.


I’m not talking about being anorexic.

Its still healthier to be a bit underweight than a bit over weight.

I’m not saying that being underweight is a good thing.

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I say both extremes are bad, very obese and very underweight.


I just think it’s unfair of you to compare it like that.

When I was underweight I had overweight people say to me all the time that they wished they had my problems. It’s not nice to dismiss someone’s problems like that, and it showed they had no idea what being severely underweight was like. I was tired all the time, sick all the time, my body looked like a freak show, and I always had some kind of nutritional deficit. If it hadn’t gotten better I would have developed osteoporosis and lost my teeth. And they likewise dismissed my problems by saying I had an eating disorder or saying I just needed to eat more. Which just contributed to the shame.

It’s not easier or better to be underweight.

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Try adding high calorie protein shakes to your diet. They offer a lot of calories but you don’t need to feel hungry to drink them

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I’m not dismissing the problem.
I apologize to @Lifer if I came across as being insensitive.

Most people who are taking Antipsychotics don’t have issues with being underweight but this doesn’t mean it’s not a real issue with some.

Being grossly overweight and underweight pose health issues.

I am fully aware of this.


no need to apologize, it’s my own fault because i’ve been doing the warrior diet for 2 months now. where i fast 23 hours and eat an hour a day. i’ve been eating 1000 calories a day for a couple months. i don’t really want to lose anymore weight, it’s just im broke as a joke, so don’t have enough money for food right now.

i will double my calories, eat more often, and try to get back up to 150 pounds. i knew i was getting thinner, but didn’t think i could be below 140 pounds.

also i’ve been more active, will cut back on the treadmill time.

Maybe drink some protein shakes or Ensure or Boost in between meals?
Good luck @Lifer

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Are the scales at your parents house accurate?

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im not sure, i will find out what i weigh on thursday when i get my injection.