The psychiatrist has prescribed promethazine for anxiety

But everything I have read suggests it is also an antihistimine???

I am guessing the sleepiness kind of effect is meant to relax you???

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Antihistamines have effects on anxiety. I am no expert on the med, but I would be surprised if they prescribed you a med that was primarily for allergies for anxiety.

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They prescribed me this medication when I was in hospital.

Some mental health services seem to think prescribing a benzo is like giving cyanide to a baby.

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They have vistaril, aka hydroxyzine, as a med for anxiety that treats allergies primarily.

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Hmmm I have never heard of this medicine before :open_mouth:

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I think they gave me the same thing actually as a prn I just never took it

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My doctor told me I could take a gabapentin (Neurontin) one a day for anxiety. I haven’t taken any. Also he prescribed Lexapro, an SSRI antidepressant, in a very low dose, to see if it would help with worries and obsessing.


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