Hydroxyzine for anxiety

Hello all,

I just got put on hydroxyzine for anxiety, I was on it in the hospital a few years ago but I decided to try it out again.

Anyone else take it? I don’t recall it being overly strong in the hospital but I am going to be on 25 mg.

I tried it for a bit when I started a new job. It didn’t do much for me that I remember; I can’t remember the dosage amount though. I think maybe I got kinda of sleepy on it once?

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I’ve been on Hydroxyzine for at least 10 years, but that was mainly for allergies as it’s a antihistamine. But is also serves as a anxiety medication, which it’s one of the best ones I’ve been on. I do 100mg a day, but I sometimes go to 200mg for both reasons. I like it a lot.

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Didn’t work for me. It’s like Benadryl. Just gave me really bad RLS and no benefit.

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I am curious if there are others with experience with this.

My order is getting shipped to me soon, there have to be more people who have tried it.

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i took it for a couple days, i think ill stick totaking benadryl when i feel like i need it. i noticed when i took the hydroxyzine my hands would feel weak, like if im holding something id feel like im gonna have a spasm and drop it. also had chest pain. i think its because it has the ability to affect heart rhythm and the risk increases when combined with some meds and i happen to be prone to side effects like that because i had it much worse on a different combo

I take it. It’s ok. But your dose is very low. You may find you’ll need a bit more pretty soon to help you out. It’s like Benadryl’s cousin. So it sort of makes you a little drowsy and dries you out a bit. But it does calm you down and bring down the nervousness. So if you’ve ever had Benadryl and liked it you’ll like this.


I was on 50mg, 2 tablets, 4x day. It helped along with the other non benzos I took for anxiety… buspar, effector, and Prazosin.

I hope this helps.

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I take it as a sleep med but I have noticed less anxiety after I started it. I’m on 25mg

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