So I have been doing some thinking and realised the flagging feature might be flawed. I know a few people on here are serial flaggers. And there might even be some team flagging going on to control content based on biases. I come to the mods and admin with this proposition fully medicated and non paranoid. But simply using a thought experiment. I know if I was a degenerate I would align with like minded individuals behind the scene to control content based on my biases. I propose a solution though. That for any flagging to be done would require at least 4 flags. To elimate team flagging. And that the flaggers have to post in the flagies post before hand. Because after all if you have no stake in the topic you can simply avoid it. Or have a feature to hide posts from yourself and not the whole community. Because if these people are getting together with brittle ears and are overly sensitive attitudes. They can essentially target people. Please consider. This is meant to act as somewhat of a Trojan horse too. Because the flaggers will in no doubt be compelled to flag this very post. And I ask the mods to please look at who flags it. And to noticed if they have flagged all my other posts. Those of which usually contain no morbid content.
Please share in this topic if you feel compelled to.
That’s not how it’s supposed to work though. It’s supposed to be for posts that might really hurt or scare someone. Not for personal agendas or biases. Or for reightious missions
I don’t think anyone is teaming up to flag anyone. People don’t have secret communications to flag certain users.
And sure, everyone is a little biased. It’s human nature.
I rarely ever flag, but when I do, I do it because I felt the post was out of line or the thread has turned sour.
And I don’t think there should be a rule that someone should have posted in the thread before flagging. “Don’t feed the trolls” means don’t engage with the people who do the wrong posts, especially if you might risk aggravating them or worsening the situation.
Lol this is exactly what I’m talking about. If two people don’t like someone. And a lot of the content they post why should they be silenced based on someone else’s perceptions. I’m not saying it’s a conspiracy. I’m talking about what you are. Except I’m in favor of people expressing themselves as who they are. Your perception of people doing wrong is your problem not theirs. This is turning into the metoo movement of posts. There’s a reason Twitter really made it. Anyway im glad the serial flaggers are coming out of the woodwork.
Maybe your just overly sensitive though. It’s not your duty. To be offended by the deeds or misdeeds of your fellow men is to be self important. It’s really just a big misuse of energy. The only post I would flag would be one of morbidity.
If you’re saying that some people flag out of spite, well, I haven’t seen it. I’ve been flagged only maybe 4-6 times in my 9 years here. I saw the flagger’s point but disagreed with a couple. Saying there is a specific group that goes around flagging for fun or spite or power or whatever else you want to call it sounds a little paranoid to me.
Certain people get flagged more often than others because they keep breaking the rules and posting offensive or controversial content. Why is it that a minority seems to get flagged more than the whole majority put together? Because maybe they know the rules and deliberately break them. My opinion is that the people who get flagged a lot know what they are flagged for but go ahead and write similar posts still.
No religious discussions means exactly what it says: NO religious discussions! it’s not rocket science, it’s pretty clear. And I personally broke this rule several months ago and got flagged.
It bugged me for a short while but the sun kept setting and birds kept chirping and the U.S. government still operated and life went on.
We apparently have different experiences with flagging. I’m not going to get into big political, policy arguments about the site. I’ve been on here a long time and 90% of the time I am happy to be on here. This whole site is a reboot of an old site that kept crashing about 9-10 years go so they designed this site. There were certain troublemakers on the old site who annoyed and deliberately trolled and bugged normal people trying to get help on a daily basis, even several times a day We have almost none of that here and it makes me happy and I bet all the regulars here can appreciate that here too.
But yeah, I stay out of trouble and I see flagged posts by myself and other people. Usually (but not always) I see the mods point. I think the mods actually should be rewarded for showing restraint in some cases.
Having a moral compass is one thing. But having a duty or a righteous mission. One stems from compassion and goodness and the other from self importance. Which is the core of all that is rotten in us.
I have seen it Nick.i have experienced it first hand. I also have the opportunity to do exactly what I’m saying others could so. So it’s based on first hand knowledge not delusion or paranoia. I personally think your trying to undermine my argument by calling me paranoid. As I said I come fully medicated and non paranoid. Yes so those that don’t fit into the majority and are the minority should be silenced and dismissed? This is exactly why sites like Twitter have flourished. Because people aren’t silenced and dismissed. They are just held accountable. I am not going to cater my thinking because someone else is brittle. This is what the sheeple of the world consume. But those of us that want to think on our own. And be real to who we are. You don’t put power in the hands of the sensitive.
Lol shut down. Figures
I worked hard to be well. I will not be pulled down and muted by the unwell
The problem to which you propose your solution is non-existant. I can’t remember a single time a post has been hidden because of the flag count alone, and not a mod agreeing with the flag. About 90-95% of the flags we receive are flags we agree with. There are absolutely no forms of organized flagging going on here. Rest assured that we check and respond to each flag individually and would notice any such abuse of the system quickly.
@ablue, please don’t randomly flag me as a protest. You may send me and the mods a message if you have a problem with my post. The post you are upset about, which was hidden, was hidden by mod decision and not by abuse of the system.
I can fully back up @anon9798425. I remember maybe theee times in my entire time modding where a post was flagged by more than one person. It just doesn’t happen.