I didn’t really think this through. I’m not a complainer about this site, the rules are clear and seem fair enough for the most part. But sometimes I think the flagging system is flawed. Because it’s often the morality or opinion of one or two people dictating to everybody else. Sometimes I see something flagged and I think, “What’s the persons problem that flagged that?” I can see if something gets multiple flags. But I’ve had jokes flagged that I’m just flabbergasted that it could actually offend someone. I’m going to finish my Coke and go home.
It takes at least two people to get a flag approved, unless it’s done by a mod or super flagger.
Usually it comes down to one or more members flagging it, and then a mod either agreeing or disagreeing.
Everything is a judgement call to some extent. You really can’t expect perfection when human decision making is involved in it.
I’ll trust humans decision making vs technology any day
Enjoy your Coke
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