The man in My mind

I have someone else here with me, I don’t know what exactly to call it. He talks to me by sending me thoughts. He tells me to do stuff to do to myself (which I sometimes act on) he’s antsy today - the thoughts are often violent .
How do I get him to lay off ? No emergency medication today


They asked me how I knew he was a guy… idk. I just know? I don’t hear his voice or anything
Anyone have similar ?

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This was probably my most bothersome to me symptom I ever had. I described it as an entity inside of me controlling me. “Feeling” a voice. Rather than hearing it. I empathize with you. Meds stopped it for me.

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Is he nice? I heard hundreds of voices a day at my worst.

I hate it so much- I feel compelled to do these things and I don’t know why
Today he’s telling me to strangle my girlfriend

I feel connected to him but he is evil

You’re going to need to see your pdoc for an injection. Don’t let it progress, please. For your own sake

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Hmmm… okay thank you.
@Jonnybegood did you find that these thoughts were accompanied by visions

Like I can see myself doing the things he commands

Jump on it before it gets too late. When I used to go grocery shopping feeling these intrusive thoughts I would shop for two hours then run out of the store and not buy anything! Made my life hell! No I don’t think I had visual hallucinations with it.

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Visions eventually come with schizophrenia. It can be cunning and very compelling at first but you never want it to get as dark as possible. Be safe.


I wouldn’t describe them as visual hallucinations, just a visual thought. You can see it in your mind. Iikw you’re imagining it

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That’s what happened to me. It progresses into very real visuals which are more than distracting, it’s hard to recover.

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They take up my entire vision- it’s weird it’s like I can’t see anything other then the imagined “vision”
Very strange I’ll tell my psychiatrist about this this Wednesday

Yeah you better lol, and that guy. He doesn’t seem fun haha

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I feel weirdly attached and endeared to him… I don’t know why because he’s so violent

They tend to start like that. It feels like a love that is distant. Eluring. I get what you mean. I can’t lie, I’ve had fun when I’m psychotic but also terror. I don’t want you to have the last bit like I have. Are you on meds?

I Am on 3 different meds
Prozac, Cloneazepam and Seroquel

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Something feels wrong with my ribs
I am trying to rip them apart
It feels so strange I am panicking
Help :frowning:

A few days ago I had a hallucination that my top teeth were loose and on the verge of falling out, but it was just a hallucination. I think your ribs are probably fine.