After an hour of speaking with me when I saw her for the first time on the 16th, my new pdoc told me that she does believe I have a psychotic disorder, and her initial theory is schizoaffective depression type. She said however she will continue to be open and monitor me to see if something else turns out to fit me better in the future. But for now, she feels confident that that is what it is. Then she prescribed me Latuda, 40mg per day to be taken at night. I have now been on it for 8 days I think. I see her again on the 30th to discuss how it is going.
I think a lot of my symptoms have gotten worse. Worse insomnia, worse chaotic and intrusive thoughts, worse paranoia and anxiety, etc.
But in addition I am also experiencing reemerging emotions that I haven’t felt in some time. I think this was in part activated by the stress of going to the appointment in the first place, but it has can continued to escalate the whole time since then.
I’ve been very flat and numb minus bursts of anxiety for a long time, but in the past week I have cried multiple times. It;s a sadness that is physically painful, it makes my face and throat hurt. I also experience surges of intense seething bitterness and paranoid rage.
I feel two things at once. One that I am not myself lately, and two that I am myself lately, myself is rather ugly and I just haven’t been myself for a long time. It feels very confusing.
Even when I am not actively feeling anything, I find myself saying hurtful and spiteful things to people, and then later I realize I had been viscous. It happened tonight at the dinner table with my mother and her husband. They were talking about wasted tax payer money, and I chimed in about a study that wasted millions trying to study why so many lesbians are fat, and that the whole thing seemed like the real message was that lesbians are lesbians because they are too fat and ugly and no man would want them. Everything suddenly felt tense and awkward in the air, and her husband quickly changed the subject. I could feel something was wrong, but couldn’t place it. Later in the evening, I realized that it was because my mother is very overweight and has always been very insecure about it, and also worries about her husband cheating on her. So it was like my subconscious mind found a covert way to attack. I feel like my suppressed hatred of her is bubbling out of my pores even when I’m not noticing it.
I actually feel like everything that I normally can’t or won’t feel is breaking all its chains and starting to come out. I can’t tell if this is a good or a bad thing. I can’t tell if it’s a bad reaction to Latuda, or if Latuda is working and my true emotions unleashed are just honestly venomous.
I keep having very dark thoughts in general, intrusive imagery of blood, shattering glass, screaming and violence. I get impulsive urges to destroy myself. I feel like my entire family wants to kill me, and the seething venom in me just keeps oozing and flaring up.
To be honest I feel like perhaps my true nature is coming out, and I’m having a hard time fighting it. I want so badly not to be a bad person, because I was treated like an inherently bad person from the day I was born, it makes me self-righteous in a paranoid, self-protective manner. But maybe I have suppressed so much that I felt was “bad” over my whole life that it has turned into a monster. And it feels like the Latuda is somehow releasing it.
I skipped my dosage tonight because I was afraid of it. And also because I was a bit horrified and ashamed by the things I said at the dinner table. Maybe I wanted to blame the Latuda, so that I could stop this from happening by not taking it. I have resolved to take it again tomorrow night, I know that not taking it is a mistake as my pdoc warned me not to do it, but I couldn’t handle it tonight. I felt like my instincts were telling me it was corrupt somehow and not to take it, no matter what. I couldn’t do it, I needed a night off, or something.
I’m not having any hallucinations. The world doesn’t look wrong, people’s eyes don’t look messed up, I don’t hear the music, nothing in my head is talking to me. But I also feel like I am coming undone in some way.
I have read so many wonderful reviews about Latuda. It gets an average of 7/10 rating which is impressive; most people don’t review a product unless they think it sucked. This medication has worked miracles for some people. Which makes me think further that it’s something wrong with me. It’s my true self. This makes me feel very conflicted. Maybe my true self needs to stay shackled and buried.
Someone elsewhere suggested that maybe it is a mixed state, but I don’t know. I am trying to organize my thoughts in various places to have things to take the pdoc on the 30th.