During the last days I had an exacerbation of intrusive thoughts.
It has been very difficult.
I also make some progress as I find additional protective measures against intrusive thoughts,
add healthy things to my diet, and study Chinese characters.
Hey Chess,
all i can say is to try and not over do it or think too hard about things
Chinese can be difficult, I visited the China town in New York City in August 1999 and bought a Chinese dictionary and tried to study Chinese, I had not enough motivation. I have started eating carrots and oranges and stopped drinking orange juice because juice has a lot of sugar, I am just following the recommendations made by my diabetes nurse.
I am so sorry. Sz is a tough illness. I hope you feel better soon
I hope you start having good days again.
Sorry about that Chess. I hope you feel better.
You are really motivated good luck
Going through the same Chess. Everyday someone is saying I am going to die but I don’t want to. How do I survive? How do I not attract too much negative attention or be stalked which might happen.
Maybe I have OCD Intrusive thoughts instead of szaffective disorder. I hate having both I don’t mean to be rude but I feel my problem is so much worse than others because it is really happening like what most people say. I feel like I have been verbally abused. I don’t want my thoughts to be read. Just want privacy.
When I get upset about the people around me, real or imagined, I remind myself that most people are careful. Just because I knew some real jerks in my life doesn’t mean they need to be in my head.
I had an incident at a museum where my I was feeling possessed and imagining things happening and some woman wanted me to be shot. I guess they were intrusive thoughts but I was really distressed and scared someone reading my thoughts. I don’t know if it were the other way around if I would want to hurt this woman.
That’s true @PinCushion. Jerks needn’t be in my head.
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