The demons aren't even an issue anymore

I say that and for once I say it without anxiety that saying that will make them come back with a vengeance. I have an awesome therapist now and in literally the span of a couple months I went from feeling like my “bond” to the demons would never be broken and I just had to accept fighting them the rest of my life to feeling freed from them.

He took a completely different approach than my previous therapists. Previous therapists either saw it as delusional content and didn’t want to discuss it in depth at all, or saw it as real demons and wanted to send the demons away, by sending me to healers or priests or using crystals etc. He basically treated the demons as if they were abusers and taught me how to deal with them myself. He taught me that my hatred of them was keeping me linked to them. He taught me that my “taking the bait” and engaging with them and getting angry or fighting just gave them power. He taught me how to view the demons stoically, their voices as just another noise like the birds outside or people talking around me. He taught me that I am a good person, and that once I know I am a good person, there is nothing they can do to harm me. They may abuse me or try to terrorize me, but ultimately it is not corrupting me or changing me, and I am still alive and thriving. They can’t actually do anything to me. He taught me that they are incompetent, that they hold no real power.

I have stopped having demonic nightmares. I have not spoken with a demon in around 2 months now. My fixation seems broken. I still think about the past, and what I’ve gone through, but I no longer obsess about what new torture they will put me through in the future. I would also like to point out that this is despite being under huge amounts of stress on a daily basis.

I just feel like a changed person.

summary: the demons don’t bother me anymore, have a great therapist that taught me how to overcome. I have come a long way.


It’s good to hear. We’re not possessed though.
It’s an overall thought but I even asked
Someone today who said sz. Is evil spirits

Try saying that to someone with diabetes.
He never responded. Ha.

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Great news @Anna . I was thinking about you recently as I hadn’t seen you on the forum for a while.

I’m glad things are working out for you.

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Yes I have just been busy! Hope you’re doing well too!

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nice to hear you found a way of coping with it. Sounds like you have a great therapist.

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Great news!
I’m really glad for you!

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Good for you @Anna

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Wow! What an awesome therapist! I’m so happy for you!!!

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