My 11 year old son made most of our dinner. He wants to go to culinary school. I’m so proud of him.
Wow!!! That’s impressive!!!
That’s awesome! And the food looks delicious.
I agree with @LilyoftheValley that’s very impressive! Looks like a great dinner.
The food looks delicious!
Wow. That is so cool for someone so young. I’m impressed and it looks top shelf. Kudos to all involved.
I had to work today, so he did it with very little guidance. He did amazing. He loves to cook. He’s saying for Christmas he wants to make non traditional dishes. Not sure what he is planning. Hes got severe multiple learning disabilities. So he feels unsuccessful in life, so I’m working with him cooking since he was six, and hoping that he can find a way to become a great chef despite all his challenges. I’m so proud of him.
That’s so sweet. You’re a great mama.
The food looks delicious by the way.
Thank you for that compliment. But they are all very good kids. He is going to start taking cooking classes.
That’s amazing! Those dishes look top shelf.
I hope you and your family had a good Thanksgiving.
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