My family has been raving about the meal. They always compliment my cooking but my husband keeps going on and on about how good it was.
Makes me feel really good! I tried to put in the work and they said it showed. I can’t get over their compliments and feel happy and a little shy over it.
Anyone else have trouble taking compliments? I’m trying to soak it in this time. I’m sitting and smiling.
That’s awesome. I would be so happy and proud if someone complimented my food like that. Sometimes I’m very hard on myself so it’s difficult to accept compliments, but I have a feeling your food was amazing!
I just made a curry tofu rice thing from some stuff I had in the fridge. I was on my way out to the grocery yesterday to get thanksgiving food but hurt my back before I could get there. I’ll probably order Indian food later.
I always minimize things and point out faults but this year there’s nothing to say went wrong. I’m so happy.
One thing i think that helped was getting all name brand ingredients. Store brands were sold out, so i bit the bullet and went for name brand. And I found a Butterball turkey on sale last month. $20 for 24 pound bird.
That’s awesome!!! Good job! It does feel good when the family compliments your cooking. It’s hard to accept compliments for me too. I always graciously say thank you, but inwardly I find it hard to believe. I’m so happy for you that you’re enjoying it and patting yourself on the back
I love it when people enjoy my cooking.
I don’t cook much nowadays but I have cooked for people a few times.
I cooked a turkey dinner for a x once.
He loved my cooking.
He didn’t cook.
My x in sa and I cooked together but he did most of the work.
He is really good at cooking.
My last x cooked lovely food for me .
He is funny,charming, best sex and kisses and cooked for me but he had a horrid temper that was just not ok and although sex with him was best I ever had my favourite man is my x in sa.
What we had is worth more than ecstatic sex.