How Was Your Thanksgiving Meal?

My family has been raving about the meal. They always compliment my cooking but my husband keeps going on and on about how good it was.

Makes me feel really good! I tried to put in the work and they said it showed. I can’t get over their compliments and feel happy and a little shy over it.

Anyone else have trouble taking compliments? I’m trying to soak it in this time. I’m sitting and smiling.

My husband called the meal phenomenal!


Sometimes I feel that compliments are fake and they are just saying that out of pity because I have schizophrenia.

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I’m hoping dinner is good! my mom and dad always insist on cooking but… They tend to not be the best cooks :sweat_smile: normally I just stick to the turkey lol


That’s awesome. I would be so happy and proud if someone complimented my food like that. Sometimes I’m very hard on myself so it’s difficult to accept compliments, but I have a feeling your food was amazing!

I just made a curry tofu rice thing from some stuff I had in the fridge. I was on my way out to the grocery yesterday to get thanksgiving food but hurt my back before I could get there. I’ll probably order Indian food later.


I always minimize things and point out faults but this year there’s nothing to say went wrong. I’m so happy.

One thing i think that helped was getting all name brand ingredients. Store brands were sold out, so i bit the bullet and went for name brand. And I found a Butterball turkey on sale last month. $20 for 24 pound bird.


That’s awesome!!! Good job! It does feel good when the family compliments your cooking. It’s hard to accept compliments for me too. I always graciously say thank you, but inwardly I find it hard to believe. I’m so happy for you that you’re enjoying it and patting yourself on the back


Good job! Memories like this one keep us going. We had a good Thanksgiving. But yours sounds very special.


Good job on preparing your familys Thanksgiving dinner! Ours was good too.


I made some whole grain spaghetti in a tomato sauce.
I just had enough for one serving since I’m on a diet.

I had to make some pasta so I could get it out of my system!

It was both delicious and satisfying!


I just ordered some malai kofta with naan and extra rice.

Should be here in about 45 minutes.

Hope everyone is enjoying their day.


My Grandpa made a turkey , mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans and my Mom and I made stuffing and rolls then helped with dishes


It’s on the microwave right now.


What a small portion and such healthy food.
Can’t be many calories in that.

I was eating four times as much as that but probably twice as much now.

So disciplined of you .G!

I did not celebrate thanksgiving here in Australia.

When my grandpa in Sweden was alive he made thanksgiving dinners but he is dead and I’m in Australia.


How lovely for you.

Congratulations on your success.

I love it when people enjoy my cooking.
I don’t cook much nowadays but I have cooked for people a few times.

I cooked a turkey dinner for a x once.
He loved my cooking.

He didn’t cook.

My x in sa and I cooked together but he did most of the work.
He is really good at cooking.

My last x cooked lovely food for me .
He is funny,charming, best sex and kisses and cooked for me but he had a horrid temper that was just not ok and although sex with him was best I ever had my favourite man is my x in sa.
What we had is worth more than ecstatic sex.:open_mouth:


That’s awesome that your meal was a hit with the family!

It was just my mom, brother, sister, and yours truly at my Thanksgiving.

I had one huge plate of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes with turkey gravy, and Hawaiian sweet rolls.

It was fire!! :slight_smile:

I took home nearly a whole apple pie and a bunch of leftovers. :blush:


It was a great Thanksgiving meal at our friend’s house. I gave some compliments and in return for the lovely food I did the dishes.

Haha! I asked if I should throw away some used sheets of tin foil and they said save them. The hostess said most men wouldn’t even think to ask that. :joy:

As far as compliments go I am much better at accepting them now that therapy has repaired some of my self esteem.

Glad you had a good dinner OP.



I’m gonna have a big head if hubby keeps saying stuff.

All of your plans and days sound good.


You must have cooked really good. Congrats sounds yummy!


thanksgiving was just six people including myself…delicious and pies to take take home so I am happy…got my abstract painting after all too !!


Just me alone and my microwave turkey tv dinner.