Thinking about taking a break from depressing uk and going to thailand for 3 month to learn muay thai get my fitness up lose weight get away from beer and learn a martial art. Just wish i wasnt so paranoid all the time its holding me back from doing things i wanna do
Thailand is like paradise for westerners if you have money. There is a lot more to it than just kickboxing. You can live like a king there on little money.
How dangerous is Thailand for a schizophrenic foreigner though? I wouldn’t do it.
Ya. It doesn’t appeal to me with schizophrenia. But as a normie I loved it.
I am not the same guy.
Ive being their before for holiday i enjoyed it but i was very paranoid back then sometimes i didnt leave my hotel for days wasted most of the holiday. I just need a break from uk its getting me down maybe a break abroad would do me good focus on learning kick boxing and maybe go out to bars once a week
Whys it so dangeorus? Unless i go full blown psychotic i cant see it being any worse than where i am now olus theirs alot of ladys and kick boxing to keep me busy. Am in 2 minds whether to go or not have got the money so why not take a chance i will take meds with me
Sounds like a fun trip. I used to travel all over the US for work, and I was trying to outrun myself. To paraphrase a movie, the problem with out running yourself is that you take yourself with you wherever you go.
The point is that if you’re paranoid in the UK chances are you’ll be paranoid in Thailand as well, and you’ll also have the stress of being in a new country.
Are there any kickboxing or boxing gyms you can go to in your area? Exercise is great for mental health, and you can work on your mental health in a familiar environment.
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