I know staying true to myself is important,but I am kinda worry that I might be going overboard sometimes.
I am not so smart as in what to say and how to behave,I think it’s a mixture of my childhood experience and also schizophrenia.
Ok,I am going to Thailand soon,I really hope I don’t say things that are inappropriate or too negative
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I am betting you will handle yourself quite well. You seem to have a goodly amount of insight and your posts about your health and what you’re doing make sense. I hope you are able to enjoy your trip.
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Hey,thanks for your wishes,I think I am also doing the right things just that i feel it’s not great but only good
Thanks though
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Yeah inquiring about the local etiquette is a good idea, I’m a american (north) and I guess we have a reputation for ignorance when we are anywhere but home.
I would look like a white gorilla if I went to any Asian country. I would freak them out at the gym and at restaurants by eating way more meat than theyve ever seen and lifting way more than theyve ever even thought about. My Korean friend was in South Korea and told me that he was getting looks in the gym for benching more than a plate. He works out with me in the south in the US when he’s in town. He just entered dental school, I probably wont see him for three years…sigh…
Oh and I would be smoking cigars and chugging energy drinks and green tea and crap while walking my buff ass down the street
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Just be careful about the sex talk Gtx. You are a little graphic on here which is fine but you could offend someone you don’t know very well in real life. I don’t want to add to your worries but I’m just saying.
It’s OK to embarass yourself sometimes, nobodies perfect. It’s natural. Just keep it to a bare minimum and if you make a mistake don’t obsess about it or beat yourself up over it. Tell yourself, “I could have done things differently” and move on.
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Yes,77nick77,I got you,I don’t think I am good at making sex jokes,I am going with two other girls,guess i will not talk about sex or make sex joke on this trip to not make things uncomfortable or embarrasse myself
Well there’s always exceptions Gtx. Girls like to talk about sex too. Just don’t do it too much or get too graphic. A tiny bit of sex talk is OK.
Haha,actually I did joked about looking forward to them wearing bikini on the beach,the respond wasn’t good
I think I might have said it on the wrong moment
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That sounds like an appropriate joke. But timing is everything.
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