Testimony of a person who takes CBD for schizophrenia

I found this video looking for people’s experiences with CBD and wanted to share it.

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He says to get CBD flower with no THC but there’s still around 5% THC in that flower (I know this cuz I’ve tried CBD flower from Canada before)

Good video though.

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Personally, for me, THC takes away the restfulness I get from Invega.

I don’t recommend anyone to take THC unless they talk to their pdoc first.

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No offense, thanks for posting and all, but this video is not about someone who regularly takes cbd for schizophrenia. This is about someone who is trying cbd to see if it helps with his agitation he believes is related to schizophrenia.

It’s also worthy of note, that he appears to be taking on his own, not with the recomendation of a medical professional.

Your title is a bit misleading.

I honestly thought we were getting past this cbd craze and people were starting to realize it’s not panacea that fixes all conditions a lot of people tried to make it out to be in earlier years.

Maybe I’m wrong though. But that’s my opinion. I don’t think there is any concrete proof it helps with schizophrenia.

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It is in phase 2 for schizophrenia. There is still a lack of evidence.

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Everything I’ve heard about it in the past is that if it helps at all, it requires extremely high doses.

I have serious doubts it’s ever going to be able to replace antipsychotics. Maybe there will be some benefits as a supplemental, IDK. Then again, maybe not.

I am not an expert on it though.

CBD is just the latest snake oil.

I’m scared of getting THC in my system again. The last go round I had with it did not end well for me.


In the past when i’ve consumed large amounts of THC, it makes my heart beat really fast and forceful. Now in small doses of THC, I feel great.

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i vaped cbd oil and i have had abdominal pain for hours

i hate it when that happens

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I was addicted to it. I don’t think I want it in my body in any amount.

coffee seems more detrimental to me now than thc

Folks, we have gone from discussing the benefits of CBD to discussing THC, which is against site rules. Sorry, have to close.
