CBD and Schizophrenia

Not sure if I recently posted about this. But I saw studies that said CBD can help people with schizophrenia. I’m trying hemp oil. Which is basically the same thing. Some percentage of CBD and a .03% of THC


I dont know i was doing cbd but i am notsure if it made a difference

In extremely high and expensive doses, yes.

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I’ve read similar studies but the amount of CBD you have to take is insanely high for it to be effective. Waaaaaaaaay to expensive.

Kinda depends on what you’re looking for – if you’re looking for a PRN-type “supplement”, or whatever, then yeah, I’d say CBD is good for that. But like others have said, treating psychosis and positive symptoms, you would need A LOT of CBD I believe. I use it for temporary relief for anxiety and stress.

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That’s what my cat is for – just gotta clean up yak on the carpet every so often.

Yeah I mostly just use it for anxiety. I don’t expect it to cure my schizophrenia. But that’s interesting a high dose could do it.

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