The reason I cope albeit in a rather limited/restricted way is that things are set up to reduce stress to as much as possible . A lot of that centres round being in this flat where I have been for over 20 years. Things are set up to run as smoothly as possible.
Now there are plans to regenerate the area and a possible part of that includes demolition of the blocks of flats including mine. The prospect of moving and setting up everything all over again in a new place is terrifying me. A strong part of me knows that my ability to do so is limited especially as much of what allows me to cope here was mainly put in place before my wife died . The only things that have really changed since that time are having bills paid by direct debit and doing the vast majority of my grocery shopping online.
The practicalities of moving into here were dealt with by my wife . She dealt with the logistics/practicalities of all our moves over the years .
In truth my ability to live independently in the community is fragile/tenuous.
sorry to hear that @firemonkey. I know I depended on my husband to take care of me and now he’s passed away and I’m scared. Do you have a case worker who could help you?
it may not happen…
but if it does take photos of all your rooms and your posessions in those rooms.
so if you do move you can reconstruct it easily exactly the way it was…so you will feel immediately more at home.
ask family and friends before you have to move to help you…on a physical level but also emotionally.
sorry again about your wife passing.
take care
There’s a a support worker attached to the depot clinic but she only sees me when she is the depot clinic when I have my injection, which isn’t always. I know she visits some patients at home but not me.
@nanny Like you I depended on my wife to deal with things until she got bad with dementia. Luckily things were already set up to allow me cope by the time she died. Like you I get anxious/scared about making the kind of decisions that my wife dealt with before she got ill , My anxiety levels have definitely risen since having to deal with things myself.
I hope you can get good help to help you feel less scared.