Telehealth pdoc appointment

My new pdoc is going to do a telehealth appointment with me July 13th. Have any of you had an appointment over your smartphone, and what did you think?

Yes, so far two, and I have another one next week. They can do video chat or skype but I prefer the old fashioned way. Only good thing is I don’t have to drive there and it’s actually more efficient and no copay.

Thanks. 15151515

I prefer virtual visits, hopefully after this pandemic it’s still an option.


I had an appointment like that with my pdoc. It went fine.

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Mine called me. We just chatted and he changed my med. My therapist calls me, too. I talked to her this morning.

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I do Telemed sessions with my psychiatrist and FaceTime my therapist.
I’d rather just talk to them on the phone but they prefer to see me via video.

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I’ve had some occupational therapy sessions over the phone. I don’t mind it as much as I thought I did to be honest. The OT Im seeing is still a junior and I quite like that to be honest. She seems to care about her job and is passionate.

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