they changed it to a phone appointment. Yeah I said I wasn’t feeling too great and they said my therapist didn’t make it into the office and they were about to call me and see if I wanted to do a phone appointment. I said I guess so. So she’s going to be calling me here pretty quick. No one is home too so I can talk privately. I guess that’s not a bad deal.
Phone is convenient and saves me an hour trip by train to see my shrink. It sounds like a nice compromise.
I’ve been doing teletherapy since April.
I really like it.
Cutting out the commute saves me so much time and energy.
All my appointments have been phone appointments since March. I like it, he’s a great doctor and my coverage pays for it 100%. It saves me the hassle of driving. I don’t need to see his face to get what I need out of the appointments.
I do telephone appointments with my nurse. And video appointments with my pdoc. I go to the local health centre for my depot.
This is cool because it means no one is bringing cooties into my house
The telehealth is convenient but it makes me extremely paranoid to not be talking with my psychiatrist in person
Leaf are you back yet? How’d it go ? I do phone appts too. It’s easier for the psych doc and patient.
yes, it was fine. We only talked for 20 minutes though. But I’m seeing her in 3 weeks.
Yes. I like phone appointments. I’m old and lazy.
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