Tattoos and the young people

A close friend of mine is getting married.

They’re having a small wedding, so they hosted a party beforehand for all their friends and family.

I noticed something at that party.

All the young people were aggressively tattooed.

My friend herself has a ton.

She even has some on her hands and she’s a doctor.

Her fiance has several face tattoos and is a multimillionaire working as a high up at Facebook.

I feel like it’s their body and they can do what they want.

It’s not for me,

Mostly because I grew up in a time where too many tattoos on someone meant you might get stabbed.

And also being Jewish.

But pretty soon all our professionals are going to be super tattooed.

How will you feel about it in a few years when your new pdoc has a neck tattoo?


I have 19 tattoos.


I don’t care. If people want tattoos that’s fine with me. I think most tattoos are cool.


I have zero tattoos myself. I really don’t have any issue with other people getting tattoos but tattoos tend to make professionals look unprofessional. If I ever got a tattoo, I would definitely get it in a place that does not show when fully clothed. Maybe an upper arm or something.


I already notice the people who were young in the 90’s. They are older now, but still have a ton of tattoos. I see them at the grocery store all the time. We’ve all gotten older.
I didn’t do tattoos either. I just never thought I’d want something so permanent on my body.
My sister has a lot of tattoos.


I’ve stated this before…

In many cases, I consider a tattoo to be a full-time reminder of a part-time phase of your life.

I told my teenage girls…crazy outfits…nose rings…belly button rings…crazy hair…It’s all cool with me. But NO tattoos under my roof!

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I live in a pretty alternative area, and most of the people I interact with have at least one visible tattoo. I think it’s just another of those things that are changing. I remember when my friends and I first got summer jobs. Many places said you couldn’t have any piercings except one in each ear, couldn’t wear any jewelry except a watch and a wedding ring, had to have naturally colored hair, couldn’t have facial hair, etc. The dress codes were very strict. Now, people don’t care as much.


I don’t have any tattoos and sometimes people who do get discriminated against.

When I applied for the Air Force back in the day, it wasn’t allowed to have tattoos.

Maybe they have changed their policy in the meantime.

Personally, I still associate tattoos with people who don’t care about rules and the law, but maybe that’s just a stereotype.

I don’t currently have any tattoos. I actually really love tattoos tho. I think they’re a great form of self expression. That being said, I also think tattoos can come across as trashy depending on where they’re placed and what they are

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When I was little dad told me he would use a knife to remove the tattoos if I ever got any. Lol! Decades later sounds funny, but maybe that’s why I was never tempted to get ink done under my skin.

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I have two sleeves. Does that count as two tattoos?


Yes I do think so. I’ve noticed that sleeves have become more popular and fashionable.

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A lot of people have them here

Mine are just plain black

I didn’t go for colour as I didn’t want them to fade

My right arm was done ten years ago and still looks good


I have 6 tattoos
I got them during the 1990s when they weren’t as fashionable as they are now.

There is nothing wrong with getting a few tattoos but getting tattoos on your face and neck are a big turn off for me.


Some of you sound like my grandma,
and like old people in general.


Have three tattoos never experienced work like discrimination.

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I have several tattoos. A nice big one on one arm, but no sleeve. I plan on another soon, on my wrist. I already have 2 on my right hand. Never had a problem at work.


I’ve had patients refuse to be seen by me because I’ve visible tattoos. Mostly the older generations, or the religious. Have also had some old bitties surprise me with stories of bad boys they dated in the 1930’s who had a tattoo.

It’s really no issue from me, normally we just swap a patient with co-workers.

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I have none. Want none.


I would find it interesting if my pdoc had visible tattoos. I love asking people about theirs.

I have 6, including visible ones.

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