
Hi everybody. I was thinking about getting a tattoo of the Ghost in the Shell implants on the back of my neck.

As a dude any thoughts from people about this? Also what tattoos if other people have them do other people have?


I think that looks like a cool tattoo. When I went sz. I started tattooing myself and did two on my face and random stuff up my left arm. Now I want them all gone. I don’t like attention and think it’s just another reason for people to look at me. So I’m in the process of getting them removed.


I would like to get some math symbols.

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I want a symbol from a manga on my neck- means I’m cursed

The brand of sacrifice from berserk

Means I no longer own my soul

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That would be a cool one too get and its not very complicated. I like the Ghost in the Shell data ports because of the meaning of the film for me and how I feel I’m plugged into this reality and the puppet master and all that. Not like the matrix plugged in like that type of stuff more like plugged in on a deeper level like my soul/ghost is plugged into this world for this lifetime. It’s just an idea though. Also a lot of girls get it so i don’t know if it would be to feminine for me to get it. Makes sense since the MC is a women.

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I think it’s a cool tattoo- I also want some kanji down my spine like my track jacket

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Yea if I got kanji I’d get either the music kanji or Seishin Bunretsu Byo which is the japanese word for schizophrenia. I’d literally be hiding in plain sight unless someone read kanji in America. But I wanna keep my tattoos if I get any very simple and easy and not like 40 up my arm.

Get the amphetamine pill from Akira on your forehead that would be hilarious…(don’t actually do that.) However something that deals with astronomy might be cool. Cause thats kind of it for my big hobbies is music, anime/video games, and astronomy. Get Venus tattooed on my right butt cheek that would be a terrible decision. But something like a simple cosmos would be cool. I just don’t want to get old and wrinkly and my complicated tattoos form into one ball of crap.

I think it’s hot. Very original. I got four of 'em. One makes me frustrated and I want it erased and re-done because it’s not symmetrical, but I like the other ones.

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You mean the ghost in the shell tattoo? Thanks. And is it not symmetrical due to design or human error.

Yeah the Ghost in the Shell tattoo is hot.

Well, in truth it is my fault, I brought a design I did in Photoshop and he printed it. When came time to draw the outline I asked if he could make the corners pointy. He didn’t understand at first and began erasing one corner and redrew it with a bigger angle, I then stopped him to say it wasn’t what I meant and told him to forget about it. I wanted to ask him to re-copy the outline he erased to make wider from the original design but didn’t want to annoy him further and I thought it was a given he would do it. But he didn’t.

Now the tattoo isn’t the same as my design in one corner, and it’s a tattoo of high significance for me… :frowning:

That’s the tattoo in question. The upper right branch is wider than it should be, and pokes through when i wear a tank top.

Well the design is really cool though don’t know what it means. And its original. However it really is personal opinion by you if he screwed up also asking other people always helps because most of the time other people won’t notice small errors.

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My skin is still unmarked.

I would like something done but i don’t have anything to tat, i have no tat to tat. Everyone seems to have something they have as a tat but i don’t have those things. I don’t like anything, respect anything, nothing means anything to me, no tat to tat.

I have a bad one I let a drunk guy put on my chest.

I want to get the Aztec calendar on my elbow once I gain some more weight. Maybe the whole calendar or maybe just the center where the faces are.

I would have the crickets’ song.

I’m covered. Almost two sleeves, my chest, stomach, hands, fingers, back, calves.

Looks dope though I’d say do it

I’ve got the number 7 tattoed on me which stands for the letter G for “grounded” meaning grounded to earth
and there’s also a few other related things with the number 7 on me.
And I’ve also got jesus on a cross tattooed on my finger (i’ve never been religious not going to explain the thought behind it but i got it done during my schiz episode).
I always planned for full sleeves and torso tattoos, now I don’t think I’d get any more now that i’m older, if anything I might try get these removed when looking for serious work. I’ve had a few weird looks because of the jesus tattoo as you can imagine.

I have a laser tattoo removal apt. today at 3:30

I have one but I’m getting it removed