Anyone here like or have any tattoos? If you do and want to feel free to describe them and the meaning or post a picture if you’d like!
I have three tattoos.
One is a portrait of me and my sister. In the picture I was 9 years old and she was 9 months. It was our first Christmas picture together.
Second one is a crescent moon. It for my mom who always tells me and my sister that she loves us to the moon and back.
My third is the word “breathe” tattooed on my wrist. Deep breathing is a coping skill for me but I always forgot to use it, so I got a permanent, easily accessible reminder!
I have a rose with a black snake wrapped around it on my right upper arm. It’s about 6 or 7 inches long. I like roses and snakes.
I have a unicorn with a rainbow on my left shoulder blade. It says In Memory of Kevin. A friend of mine was killed in a car wreck we were in.
I have a cross on my right hand. Just doodling and made it myself during a self tatooing phase. Same thing with a messed up grim reaper on my right ankle.
I thought about getting the family coat of arms on my arm. but I don’t have any. if I were more creative and artistic I would probably get an arm sleeve and part of my chest designed. the only problem I would feel like I could only show it off if I were in shape, sometimes I get lazy and won’t workout for years.
I had clay casts made of my cats’ paw prints, and I have Shmookitty’s over my heart and Mondo’s on my left wrist. My seventh tattoo will be Garret’s paw next to Mondo’s.
I also have a tattooed wedding band, and a small red heart outlined in black on my left hand. I have a red Canadian maple leaf above my navel in honor of my dual citizenship, and a red ankle bracelet on my right ankle.
Oh my goodness, it took me a moment to realize that the r word is religion. At first I thought you meant another r word that is offensive to people with intellectual disabilities. I was like, what the heck?
Rescued him actually!! But he was like $100 even though he’s priceless there was a fee for adoption . I was literally gonna spend that $100 on a tattoo but I got Don Juan instead.