So yeah I’m still having this problem. I found that certain strong flavors help a bit whether they taste good or bad to get the taste out of my mouth. But if anyone has any suggestions I’ll try almost anything to get through this.
Ive never heard of that.
Idk it’s kind of also almost like a flashback it’s weird
I had it once on the bus. After having an intrusive thought that someone on the bus was gay, I experienced an intense flavor of strawberry. Weird as heck.
Well strawberry doesn’t sound to bad. Did it just go away after that or?
Are you by any chance tapering off a med?
No I currently don’t take meds…
It’s because of a trauma I went through that I don’t take them.
And these taste hallucinations are related to a different trauma.
taste hallucinations are very interesting, ive never experienced them. i remember reading somewhere (maybe this site?) some woman said she was having a hallucination that everything tasted foul even though it tasted normal to everyone else and it worked with her paranoia to make her thing someone was poisoning her
The taste hallucination only lasted a few seconds.
I don’t have any suggestions but I do get taste hallucinations. Out of nowhere I will taste a drug I used in the past which brings me back to those days or I will taste random foods. This makes me crave them of course lol.
I used to get taste hallucinations and it was always the same brownie with icing that they served at my elementary school. So weird.
I sometimes taste bug spray in food and drinks. It was real bad when I was without meds and before my first hospital stay. I thought I was being poisoned.
I’m not sure I’ve had them. I know I’ve tasted metal seemingly randomly but I also get that same exact tinny taste in my mouth when I’m having an allergic reaction so it’s possible I ingested something I was slightly allergic to and didn’t realize it. That’s probably more likely. But that’s very interesting you mention it. Is the taste your sensing Something that’s normally edible?
Oh woah I didn’t know that was a thing that could happen! Does it just go away on its own??
Umm well it’s something I’ve tasted before… I’m kind of uncomfortable sharing what it is in front of everybody. But I’ll just say it’s a taste that I remember from when I was being abused… I don’t want to gross people out.
Ah, I assumed it was something that was random and not meaningful like the taste of envelope glue or ramen or something. You don’t need to share. I should’ve thought about that before asking. Maybe carry sour candies like war heads with you to give you something else to think about?
Usually it goes away in its own. Sometimes my lips gets the slightest little bumps but my whoooole mouth gets itchy. Once my tongue got swollen. Terrified me. I thought I was going into anaphylactic shock. If I get anything more than metal taste I have to take an allergy medicine and it typically goes away.
It’s fine that you asked I really dont mind! You just wanted to understand nothing wrong with that! Thank you for respecting my boundaries though!
I haven’t tried anything sour yet! I think that’s actually a really good idea! I’ve tried mints and sweets so far and they work ok. But sour might have a little more kick! Thank you
Eww an itchy mouth sounds unpleasant. That whole thing sounds terrifying! I’m sorry you have had to deal with that! But at least it seems to go away with allergy meds. Take care of yourself!!
I try to stay mindful of boundaries. I never want to trigger anyone but sometimes I don’t think. Thanks for understanding and not being mad at me.
It’s unpleasant but usually tolerable. I just try to stay away from fresh mango as hard as that is!
Anyways, I hope your yuck taste cures itself fast. That sounds a lot more difficult to deal with than an itchy mouth!
That’s always a good thing to do. I’m always fine with questions! If something goes past what I’m comfortable with I will always let you know. And know that I will never intentionally bite your head off. I know my tone comes across very blunt so I’m sorry if I ever seem mad I promise I’m not. Thank you for the concern though (hugs) plus you’re super sweet I could never be mad at you tbh.
no mango?! Noooooooooo! Aww I’m sorry. Mango is delicious but allergies are bad I’m sorry my dear.
Yeah its…unpleasant. But I’m hoping I can find a good solution for it! Cause I think part of my problem is I keep worrying about it coming back. But still itchy mouth sounds un-fun too. I’m gonna try the war heads though!
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