Talking to myself

I’m talking to myself way too much today. I talk to myself a lot every day, especially when I’m home alone all day like this, but damn.

How many of y’all have this problem? I know @mermaid1 has talked about how much she does it.

I also carry on conversations in my head practically all of the time, but that’s a little different, though still not exactly a sign of good mental health.


I talk to myself on occasions, but the big one is the conversations. I practice and rehearse them all the time. :turtle::turtle::turtle:


I used to talk to myself more,

Now that my mother in law has moved in and I’m not alone all the time the conversation has seemed to move to my head.

Its constant.


I talk to myself out loud pretty often. Mainly to discuss things with myself. It can help me figure things out and give me time to think.


Think positively - It combats loneliness and keeps your speaking muscles from getting weak.


i do it everyday and have posted about it.

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Yeah, I speak all the time at work, though; I don’t need to do it at home alone. I get what you’re saying, though.

I wouldn’t worry about it unless you have lost touch with reality where you think you are talking to someone who isn’t there.


Oh, I know it’s nothing terribly serious, not like a psychotic break. I just don’t like when I do it this much.


Perfectly normal. Many great philosophers and thinkers talk to themselves, so it’s perfectly normal, as long as you are not responding to some internal stimuli.

Benign talking to oneself, even out loud, is almost always done in private or softly under ones breath, so that others won’t hear and wonder about it.

When people talk to themselves and know it’s them, no need to worry. If they begin to think it’s someone else, that could be a problem, especially if others ask you “Who are talking to?”


I give myself some positive self talk sometimes it’s actually quite funny if i say it out loud lol.
to see if i can somewhat at least combat the NATs- negative automatic thoughts with that sometimes.

I used to talk more to myself but sometime ago it got less I don’t know why

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So interesting!

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My doc’s appointment is soon. I will ask him for something to stop me. I think it’s a tic disorder.

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