Talking to animals

The other day I talked to a duck and it waddled up to me and then said quack
Then I talked to a robin red breast and it flew up on to my bench I was sitting on to get a better look


I was going to post a video to ace ventura talking to animals but all the videos I watched of him on youtube were too annoying to post! :grimacing:

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I always talk to animals more then people. A few owners have been put out more then once that I get more positive reaction from their pets then they do. Animals respond to kindness respect and acknowledging.


Yes most of the time we just think they are just animals but communication can happen between animals and people
Animals like being talked to and respected


I agree that animals like being talked to, but how exactly do you respect an animal?

I’ve talked to my kitty cats-all five of 'em from the first day I found them, all at 5 weeks old.
They “talk” back to me and understand too.
Everyone who interacts with them are suprized that they communicate more than dogs.
They truly are my children, and actually, they’re better, because they are more loyal.
One is 16 years old, and the other 4 (from the same litter) are 6 years old.

It’s about respecting boundaries giving them their space when they want it. Understanding their behaviours. A good way to see how that’s not done is look at any old Steve Irwin video. Also don’t kill them to eat them as that does put a damper on any relationship


You can respect an animal by showing love to them. Also, by not hitting it.


I have a turtle. She is very sensitive so I’m trying not to upset her.For example, if I let her walk around the room I will stand back so she doesn’t feel inferior.
:two_hearts: :turtle:



I talk to all animals! I love animals, and always have talked to them, I don’t think it’s odd either, I see many people do so. Keep on talking, just don’t overthink it! :baby_chick: Seems like you have a connection with birds!


Animals have different inflections and tones in their calls that mean different things. They have mating calls, danger calls, distress calls, social competition calls, and on and on.

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I have talked to animals all my life. I have a very special bond with “animals” They are 99% more intelligent, understanding and compassionate than most humans. Some do talk more than most humans. They are Geminis like my beloved feline friend who shares my apartment. Here is a book that is actually written for teen-agers that is very helpful in communicating with “animals.” (I have many books supposedly written for teen-agers that are helpful in explaining things to me; even more so than many written for “adults.” I don’t quite know. Maybe, I suffered some slight brain damage as a child) The book is Awakening to Animal Voices: A Teen Guide to Telepathic Communication with All Life by Dawn Baumann Brunke… Bindu Books (Inner Traditions Books-Rochester, VT USA) 2004. I instantly connected with this book as I have been done some of this all along and it has great ideas that I never thought of before. Take care y’all! Remember you are an “animal” too. This book will remind you of that important realization. It is liberating!

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Ok ,

So As I Have Read In Thus Club Thread Cave ,

Yoush L.O.V.E. " Animals " ,

But What About Insects ,

Like Ants For Example ,

Anyone Here Care About Tha Tiny Creatures (???)

Hate stick insects
Don’t like spiders or snakes

They say that having a pet helps you to live longer.

I talk to my cats and dogs. I scold my dogs for biting me and I praise my cat Chuck on how big and good looking he is. He’s a big ass black and white short hair with green dilated eyes. He is a medical doctor, he read the medical books on the shelf that I can’t really understand, he has thumbs no lie

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Animals are actually very simple to communicate with. Anyone can “talk” to them, provided they learn their body language. Most animals only speak with body language, and maybe add in a few vocalizations as well. Way easier than learning to speak a human language.

I’m pretty proficient in dog myself :wink: Most people with a dog should be able to pick up on what it’s saying!

They also have the body language. :smile:

My cat knows the words hungry, outside,his name, and pretty kitty. Animals are very smart.