Taking Abilify in the mornings instead of the evenings actually works

I used to take 6mg Abilify in the evenings and I often had strong urges to overeat at night.
An idea of taking it in the mornings popped up in my mind the other day, and it’s been 2 days since I started taking it in the mornings. As might have expected, I now become extremely hungry at around noon but I’m much less hungry at night. For me it’s much easier to let urges pass during day time.

I hope this can help control my weight.


I switched to taking abilify in the morning instead of at night and it made a huge positive difference to me.

I’m surprised by the fact that changing when to take medication can make such a difference.

It never crossed my mind before
Always thought about what to take, not when

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I take Abilify at night together with Sulpiride which is easier to remember instead of Abilify OM and Sulpiride ON.

Taking B complex vitamins helped stop cravings for both me and @everhopeful.

I’m happy to say my akasthesia/restlessness has stopped. (Not because of B vitamins that just went away on its own) Haven’t experienced it in several days now.


Hmm, I may try it in the morning. I take it at night and end up falling asleep sometimes.