SZ = troll disease?

This is probably gonna get removed by the first mod who sees this, but I honestly believe SZ is a troll disease,


You troll someone so hard they enter depression, start hating members of the opposite sex, or even kill themselves.

Or maybe even some other things.

(Sorry, I had to get this off of my chest. I honestly dont like the way I think sometimes.)


I’m not sure I’m understanding what you’re trying to say. Are you saying that having sz causes you to troll others and treat others badly?

Having a mental illness doesn’t cause someone to treat others badly. Trolling is not a symptom of mental illness.


It is what it is. After a while I tend to think that there’s a lot of similarities to experience. It just is sz. I’m not sure wtf your trying to say.


Well, not necessarily,

It seems, to me at least, that I’m just so busy trying to keep my own head on it’s screws, that I might not even be aware that my own happiness can bring discomfort to others.

It’s too much too talk about, but in a sense I’ll put it like this;

SZ sufferers are/were targets of bullying (trolling) and might turn out to be just like that, consciously or subconsciously.



Well, I think it’s inappropriate to use mental illness as an excuse or justification to treat others poorly.

It’s also inappropriate to use being treated poorly by someone else in the past as an excuse to give yourself free license to then treat others poorly yourself.


Ok @Moonbeam 1515

I mean I guess my voices troll me constantly.

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Mine too haha. Unless of course they’re real people.

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There have been times when I trolled a site without realizing I was doing it. I just wanted to start a rigorous discussion.

What do you mean by rigorous?

Maybe you mean narzisstic/sz

Lol, no, they’re A.I.

We’re not real. :roll_eyes::sweat_smile:

its the aliens trying to get you to fulfil their will and be their slave, rise up!

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Lol I can’t.

The lizard people have already taken over.

the antichrist has yet to come tho, or has he?

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You know sz is not our moral compass, we should know what is right or wrong, when you do wrong it is a stain on your character not a symptom of this illness


He ?




lol touche touche

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Its all in control of the yard potato…

I stayed in a situation where people didn’t much value me. They had felt value for my presence but not me. If people treat you the wrong way, all you can do is get away and stay away, if possible.

If you have anger, its best to get that out it in a way that doesn’t hurt anyone. Beating the snot out of my pillow works for me.

Maybe positive affirmation audio tracks would help. Despite having a goofy name, Sunny Rae Dawn Johnston has a good one that I think you can get on YouTube.

A lot of the stuff I was initially like “I guess I’ll repeat it in my mind even though it can’t be true.”

Like “I attract loving relationships. I attract beautiful people into my life.”
I started thinking of all the good and beautiful people I’ve known. I’m thankful for every one.

Take that Marilyn Manson :crazy_face: