On this board, we discuss things that involve our schizophrenia at our health issues. I was told a long time ago when the website first opened. That if I discussed my problems all the time. I was not considered normal. I have to have normal things in life going on. Although I tried many things. To be happy to discuss with other people. But the negative influence of people calling me trolling. Because I was not complaining about my illness. Continued. This felt unfair to me. So I started a program of promoting this website. I was doing well. I tried not to interfere with other people’s illnesses by not posting about their problems. Yeah, I was still considered trolling. To the point where I up my medicine every time they consider me trolling. This was a no no. As it had a bad effect on me personally. I had many discussion over the years. On some of the most important topics we allwonder to about. B****** and preaching. I see a lot of this these days. Oh yeah, it aint pretty.
I don’t view you as a troll.
I like the cartoons you make and your pictures.
I’m honestly not sure what you are trying to say. Whether you are complaining about the conditions on the board in the distant past, the recent past, the present, or all of the above.
It kind of seems like maybe you are saying that people post now about things that that you were labeled as a troll for in the past. Is this your primary point? That you have not been treated equally to others? Is it that the rules are not applied the same as they were 10 years ago?
I honestly don’t know what you are trying to say. All I can tell for sure is that you seem mad about something and appear to be accusing other people of b******* and preaching in their posts.
I will tell you what some of the problem likely is, though. It’s often not apparent what people on the internet mean. Its harder to get their point through text than it is in person. I also have to say, if you want an honest response, that your text is often harder to understand and catch your meaning than most peoples. You break up your sentences in weird ways that make it seem like one part could apply to the last sentence or the next and do other things that make your text very difficult to understand. Sometimes I think your point is lost.
I’m not really trying to criticize you here, so much as trying to explain what part of the problem might be. Miscommunication may be a big part of it.
I’m not trying to be the grammar police. No one here has perfect grammar. But your text can be difficult to understand sometimes. It’s not a criticism. It’s just the truth.
You’re not trolling I got accused of it when I first got my compound bow i decided too learn if there’s a better bow and I also asked how far can a compound bow shoot and I got nothing but ■■■■■■■■ trying to tell me I’m trying to sell broken stuff
They were so mean to me they pissed me off so badly
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