Susie homemaker questions and tips (leave your tips for homekeeping)

What can I use that really gets a very scummy bathtub clean and how often do you clean your bathtub? I didn’t have a mother. I don’t know these things.


A maid with strong arms LOL

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Comet and elbow grease. i was never taught either. Just trial and error.


Lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. Dude why not be serious for once? You so silly :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Sounds good to me. My bathtub looks disgusting.

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I have a tip for linoleum floors. Put one cup vinegar to each warm half gallon of water. It stinks until it dries, but it’s all I use.

Note… if your floor is filthy, use more vinegar.


Can I post one more?

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I buy gallons of vinegar and use it straight.


Depending on your tub, age etc and material of it, I have used a Magic Eraser and something called Bar Keeper’s Friend. It’s in a can like Comet, is a powder, but I just like it better. We used it in the McD’s kitchens I worked in.

Otherwise the generic Kaboom spray at Dollar Tree is good, but gotta wear gloves. It’s a purple spray bottle, can’t for the life of me think of what they call it.


Dollar tree carried LAs totally Awesome brand. It works great.


I use a really strong cleaner called Cillit Bang. I don’t know if you have it where you are.

I clean my bathroom once a month as I am the only one who uses it.

That’s probably considered skanky but I struggle with keeping up with my chores.

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For immediate spills on carpet, spray with windex and dab. This won’t work on old stains.


I hire someone to scrub bathrooms, scrub kitchen, dust, and wash all floors every 2 weeks. I just can’t with other demands of life and my hu by works 2 jobs. I have to give up other things for $.
To only clean 2 bathrooms nothing else would be maybe $25

Bleach is stro g but cleans really well. I used to work cleani g apartments after people moved out. On really scummy bathtubs we sprayed full strength bleach and let itsit a bit, then scrubbed. Just ventilate really well because the fumes are bad.

Never mix bleach and ammonia!! The fumes will kill you.

The being said I do use ammonia for bad stuff.


I have a question…

Can I do a poor man’s air duct cleaner… I have allergies and lots of dust.?

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I’ve never heard of that really

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They make these scrubbing things that your attach to the end of a drill. They look pretty awesome.


I’m gonna try that

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