Supplements can't eliminate negative symptoms?

Correct me if I’m wrong but supplements like sarcosine can only decrease negative symptoms by up to 30%. What if you stack them? It just seems insane that we can’t eliminate these debilitating symptoms in this day of age.

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I read that neuroinflammation is tied to both negative and positive SZ symptoms, so theoretically, reducing neuroinflammation to zero should resolve both.


There’s research that NAC can help improve negative symptoms. But when I tried it , it interacted really badly with abilify.

But if you’re NOT on abilify it might be worth trying it.

But no supplement is going to eliminate negative symptoms.

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For fixing my lack of motivation, the biggest change I found was to reduce my APs. Went from 15mg Abilify to 10mg and can really feel it. My social isolation is still bad though, although that was bad before psychosis.

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Temporarily, yes.

Indefinitely, no.

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Has anyone tried stacking anti-inflammatory supplements like curcumin, berberine etc.?

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I think it’s impossible to fully get rid of some of the symptoms. From my experience my negatives are due to meds and those meds are powerful


Planning to stack anti-neuroinflammatory supplements: curcumin, ginger, resveratrol, green tea, fish oil, propolis, gingko Bulova, wild yam root, quercertin, and lastly berberine. I feel my brain needs help.

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I don’t believe supplements help with negatives.
Last year I had severe negatives, but now I almost have none. They come in waves.
Currently I have no negatives. And I am really happy about that

Pdocs usually give antidepressants for negatives like prozac.

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If you are using curcumin, you may want to look into the absorption of it. For example, forms that are hydro-soluble absorb better.

Maybe you can improve a little but get rid of them completely without taking off meds it s unlikely