I haven’t been diagnosed with schitzophrenia but I’m worried I have it.
I firmly believe people can read my thoughts and are laughing at them, it makes me feel really insecure and I feel like a doormat
I feel like I’m always being watched and followed and only sometimes can I grasp onto reality and realise that it’s not real.
Other times that I can remember I have no doubt about it and I really believe people know my thoughts and I form this big delusion that the people reading my mind care about me and want to help me with my problems. I probably spend most days and weeks thinking it’s real and it kinda makes me feel like less of a loner because in my head I think that “these people” care about me
I get maybe only a few minutes to a few hours, and only if I’m lucky a full day of pushing it away.
It’s causing me so much stress I can’t think freely anymore and I’m not thinking how I used to think because of the fear people know what I’m thinking, I feel like I have no secrets and no privacy anymore I feel so intruded and vulnerable, I become scared to leave the house.
I have developed horrible intrusive thoughts and my thinking is so confused and doesn’t make sense sometimes.
I also thought that one of the people reading my mind was a guy and that he liked me.
I feel like the biggest delusional idiot and I feel so ashamed and I don’t know how to explain all this to my gp without getting weird, judgemental looks as if I’m some crazy alien
I always have suicidal thoughts and I almost committed suicide the other night
I am currently taking antidepressants.
Definitely see your GP. Maybe even print this off and show them - I have written a letter before to make sure that I get my point across.
If you do have SZ, at least you have the insight to recognise you have a problem that needs addressing.
Loss of function is the key. If your struggling then get a referral and get to a psychiatrist.
It’s not normal and that is telling you something. Seek some help and find some resolution.
In the meantime. Stop all illicit drugs if you do them. That can help tremendously and just be honest with your doctor!
Alright thanks for replying I’ll try my best but it just seems scary to tell my gp
Can I still drink alcohol?
Alcohol has a negative effect on the symptoms for many people, so I wouldn’t recommend it.
Also, I know the feeling of being scared to tell the doctor. When I had to tell mine, I felt so silly. I was scared they’d think I was making it all up, or that I was completely bonkers.
But if you’re not honest with you, they can’t help you properly.
Hey, welcome to the forum.
The best thing to do is write everything down and take that with you to your doctor. Be guided by the professionals.
It takes a long time to get a schizophrenia diagnosis.
Hi, definitely tell your gp about these psychotic symptoms so that they may find the cause and the treatment.
yeah just be honest with your doc so you can get a referral to a psychiatrist. Drinking alcohol is not a good idea. in the mean time try to watch or read something comforting to distract your uncomfortable thoughts.
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