New here, pretty sure I have Sz but no diagnosis yet

I went through a period a couple months ago when I can clearly see now that I was out of it. Knew something was up, figured trump made a pact with Russia to hack our Facebooks and cause people to feel like this (I can clearly see now that this was a delusion. Kinda knew it at the time but wasn’t fully convinced) had incredible cognitive troubles. Had annoying intrusive thoughts, and was not myself. After a little while I had moved out of a terrible living environment I was in (abusive) and it all faded more or less (except for some cognitive troubles) and for a while I figured it was just, I don’t know, a “bout” of schizophrenia that had passed… but within the past couple of days it has slowly started to come back. (Just mild intrusive thoughts and general feelings of unease) and I’m starting to come to terms that I may in fact have schizophrenia.

Talk it over with a qualified psychiatrist.
Good luck!


If you are a male in your late teens to early twenties and feel something may be wrong, I’d suggest you contact a psychiatrist near you. Only a trained professional can diagnose you. Late teens to early twenties is usually when schizophrenia appears for males. However there are some who have been diagnosed later in life. It may be schizophrenia or it might be something else. Either way, best wishes to you and good luck.

The thing is, I have had a hard time getting myself to do so. I have talked with a psychiatrist over the phone and was ready to meet up but the thought of dropping the amount of money that I would need to to start doing so kinda scared me off. Plus the thought of being diagnosed with Sz is a really big thing for me. But something is definitely up. I’m currently able to work both of my jobs and support myself but the thought that I could get to the point where I’m unable to scared the crap out of me.

That makes sense. If it becomes unbearable there is always the option to go to a psychiatrist. Now I think no matter who you are if you go to a psychiatrist and speak long enough, they’ll find something wrong with you.:slight_smile:

Better to go voluntarily, get a diagnosis and start treatment now than wind up involuntarily hospitalized during a full psychotic break down the road


I never understood fear of diagnosis. You either have something or you don’t. Whether you are officially diagnosed or not doesn’t change whether or not you actually have sz, all it does is prevent you being able to do anything about it if you do.


Yes but getting a diagnosis makes it incredibly real to me. Not something I can just kinda put off or attribute to something else. Trust me, I do understand this isn’t the best course of action but I just really fear getting that “set in stone” fact that I have schizophrenia. But yea, whether I have the diagnosis or not, if I have it I have it.

Yep and without a diagnosis and the right treatment what you have will become something worse.


Does it run in your family? Anna and zero bring up good points.

Yeah trust me please please get it checked out, you can actually keep yourself from ever having a psychotic break if you go on meds preemptively. You do NOT want to have a psychotic break. Mine was so terrible I developed ptsd from it that I still suffer with to this day 6 years later.

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I don’t have family history for it as far as I know.

Well, ultimately it is your choice but I have to tell you, being psychotic and getting sent to a psyche ward involuntarily is not a pleasant experience.

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Yes and getting sent to a psych ward involuntarily is only the best outcome…

Try to find a med that fits it will save your life. Also hello. I’ve have the diagnosis of sz and sza but didn’t get it immediately.

I find meds screw you up just as bad as street drugs. Wish i was still undiagnosed

I am recently diagnosed but I had concerns a few years ago. If I had gotten treatment then I could have avoided a demon controlled suicide attempt. But hey it’s your choice to wait or not. Also it could be tumour so there is a few risks you’re taking.

If you have insight into your illness before you end up suicidal and in a hospital you have a better prognosis than most of us.

Get it checked out and don’t let it get to that point. You will probably lose your job and your ability to work for a living so the investment is worth the reward. Just my two cents

Good luck

Hey, welcome to the site. I strongly encourage you to seek treatment right away. Psychotic episodes cause literal damage to your brain. It reduces the amount of gray matter in your brain. This damage can be reversed if it’s caught early enough, but it can also progress and keep getting worse. One thing that never happens? It never gets better on its own. It always requires medical intervention.

There are many kinds of psychosis. Most people have a single psychotic episode, and after a couple years of medication, these people are able to slowly taper off their medication under a doctor’s guidance. And they never need antipsychotics again. But if they go untreated for too long, or they quit their meds on their own before the doctor says they’re ready, they risk making their condition permanent. If this is your first episode, there is every chance you could fully recover with treatment! This will definitely get worse if you leave it alone.

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Yes I forgot to even bring up the brain damage you get from untreated psychosis. It’s bad. Often I feel like I have a mild dementia. My brain doesn’t work the same way it used to and it’s deeply upsetting. What I wouldn’t give to be able to go back in time and maybe prevent that by getting help earlier…