STUDY opportunity for you!

Were u in an accident

I got my head bashed into a brick wall repeatedly by one of my old students, because the school didnā€™t provide proper safety equipment and adequate staffing. Can you tell Iā€™m still bitter about it?

Damn what a horrible person to bash your head into the wall.

Yes I can see you still angry about it

Iā€™m not angry at the student. He was severely disabled and just panicking because the school forced him into a situation where he was set up for failure. Iā€™m mad at the school for ever putting him in that position in the first place.


Iā€™m going to bump this, because I was informed by the coordinator that the study is still recruiting new participants.

aw is this only for patients diagnosed with
i have schizoaffective !

It is for patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective, but no other psychotic disorders.


They sent me an email. I will get around to completing it on Monday. At first they told me they wouldnā€™t take me because I have had a concussion before.

Now it seems they have changed their mind @Ninjastar. You may be able to do it also.

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Same. They seem to have changed their stance on concussions. Apparently they didnā€™t get enough participants the first time around.

Reminds me of the ROAM study! That was a lot of work :sweat: Iā€™m just doing the follow up now.

LOL i already commented on this thread before wow my memory

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I did a similar study here, I did not do very well as I found the games boring and I tired of it

Bumping this because the study coordinator said theyā€™re having trouble finding people.

I wish I was brave enough to do the studyā€¦probably would be an enriching experienceā€¦Iā€™m chicken.

Ok, I signed up for the study.

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what is a study? I was never good at studying in school. But my house had a study, itā€™s basically a mini library in fancy houses full of books so old they fall apart when opened.

They pay $170 in amazon gift cards

Edit: the last study paid 300, I got mixed up.

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Iā€™ll call my lawyer and psychiatrist and see if i can be part of a study? oh wait my lawyer alone probably cost three hundred dollars, nevermind.

Is this open to szaā€™s or just szā€™s?

I believe szas also qualify

Just emailed them.

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