Strong hatred of others

Last post before I study again:

I honestly hate normal people to be honest and I’m starting to hate every single person I see or talk to.

When I see a normal person, I just think “urgh, I hate this person” without knowing much about them.

I still offer kindness and such, but talking to people makes me so uneasy and unsettled.

I feel like there is inherent evilness inside people.

I just think people are going to hate me automatically once they figure out my disability (fyi: I use crutches).

Anyway, I can’t trust people anymore. They give me no reason but to hate them.

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Laetitia I’ve never spoken to you yet, but I come with an offering of some advice - I think.

Maybe don’t throw the word ‘Hate’ around so liberally… it’s a toughie of a concept but I think you’d be better served, and get even more traction with posts like these if you didn’t drop a word that in modern times basically has 'baggage to it" for lack of a better word.

I’ll give a funny example: The behemoth company wrote a generic form letter to me and within, it said something to the effect that “We’d hate to see you miss out on this opportunity.” OR maybe it was just “We’d hate to see you go”.

I thought and still think it should have been substituted for a more delicate word.

Maybe I’ll replace ‘hate’ with dislike- but honestly I’ve given up trying to trust people.

Sorry you’ve had experiences that make you feel this way toward others. However, I must ask - how much emotional baggage do you carry with all this hate or dislike? Must make life for difficult for you to get by.

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Yeah, hate just jumps off the page. Really funny is that the schizophrenic in me actually thought Amazon was effing and messing with me since I have issues and have a checkered past. I worked one job too many, but my doc never articulated (said) the word schizophrenic to me(about me), they only prescribed the meds. I dislike that a ton but there’s nothing I can do except make her feel bad, and that’s a little bit stupid.

A lot of baggage. I’ve had 3-4 years of counseling and nothing helped.

Hello!I read this in the web,is for you:
"When I got enough confidence,the stage was gone
When I was sure of Losing I won When I needed people the most, they Left me…When I masteredthe skill of Hating,someone started Loving me from the core of the heart…And ,while waiting for Light for Hours when I fell asleep, the Sun came out
That’s Life,No matter what you plan,you never know what Life has planned for you…
Succes introduces you to the world…but failure introduces the world to you…Always be happy!
Often when we lost hope and think this is the end…God smiles from above and says “relax sweetheart,it’s just a bend,not the End”


you shouldnt dislike every persone you see, not everybody in the world is evil, theres alot of people that are good. Theres bad people and good people. Im the one good ones. stay positive okay. Being negative towards is bringing you down just change your perspective. good luck.


There are evil people in the world. But there are good people too. For instance, I had a friend who didn’t trust people. She had been ditched by people before for her depression. My friends and I accepted her into our group and we were very understanding about her trust issues. We were very patient and kind to her. Ultimately, she ditched us because she was hung up on distrusting people. That’s sad because my friends and I are good people and we were very understanding of her plight. Don’t judge people before you give them a chance to prove otherwise


It’s frustrating when you have multiple chronic health conditions and those around you don’t. Hating them for it is not the answer, it’s a waste of the limited energy you have that you could be using to better your own situation. Maybe you can’t do what others do, but you can probably do better than you are now with some effort. You can certainly feel better than you do now.

Do you have access to counseling or therapy? It sounds like it’s needed.


Hate of other people is like fighting with windmills.its can t get anywhere.

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Like I said before, hating others is like drinking poison and thinking it will kill the other person.

It’s poisoning you inside and ruining your life


I don’t hate other people but I keep guarded around them, and only reserve my trust for close family members.

Keeping my distance is the best thing I have done over the last 6 years after my last friends left me alone.

When I had friends at school, they got me into drugs and that was bad. Then I made some new friends, and they ditched me when I was left psychotic for over a year, and I was acting out. At no point did they take me to hospital. Must have seen it as a joke.

Anyways, my advice is to trust those you can rely on, and keep a safe level of trust with anyone else. If you don’t invest your loyalty and trust heavily in people, you can’t be let down.

It’s better to do this than have an unhealthy hate that boils up inside and makes you more distressed and upset.

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