How many of you experience symptoms making a strong comeback with stress?
I’ve had a stressful series of events spanning over months. It began in July and just got worse.
I get forgetful usually, and a lot of anxiety with stress. Pushed further I begin hearing things again and seeing things. Nothing major, just slight noises here and there, maybe a shadow flit across something.
Last night I was pushed too far and snapped. It wasn’t pretty. It really sucks because I had a big stressful problem over the holidays, but things were fixed, so my anxiety level dropped a serious amount.
But for a week I haven’t gotten sleep and last night I had been asleep for about 30 minutes and was woken up in an awful manner (screaming at me). I can’t tell you how awful I feel for losing it right after.
I’m one of those sz’s that have a tendency to be violent when psychotic, so snapping scares me. It really sucks to feel out of control. It takes a lot to push me that far, but if I’m going to be honest, I’ve been being verbally abused for about 2 years now daily. This was a long time coming.
Just sharing to hold myself accountable. I’ll get past this and am responsible for those words and actions of mine,even when symptomatic. Hoping to get past this.
Sorry you are suffering. Verbal abuse and stress is obviously a major factor in symptoms. I hope it gets better, the abuse and your state of mind. I can imagine it feels horrible. Losing control is scary.
For me personally, stress is one of the main triggers of symptoms. There are a few.
So I can imagine how this throws you off balance. Wish we here could do anything. Wishing you strength to deal with it.
When on larger doses of meds, very little anxiety/symptoms come through for me. But I am generally lethargic and dont enjoy things much on a really high dose.
I recently tried a significantly reduced dose and stress/paranoia/hard time sleeping began to creep back in.
On the lower dose, I stress over every little thing it seems.
Now, I’m on a middle ground dose again and things seem to be normalizing.
It really sucks to have these disorders. Most people prefer to be on lower doses of meds but sometimes you have no choice. It’s hard to find a place where you are happy in all areas. You just have to find the balance that makes you the most happy, I guess.
Just as an afterthought. This is really one of the reasons why I probably will never be able to work again. Almost certainly not in a job with significant stress.
If I’m on a high dose I am slow, lethargic, with no motivation. so thus cant really work.
If I’m on a low dose I am more “normal” in the above areas, but stress out over little things and get paranoid. so thus cannot work.
Sorry, don’t mean to make this thread about me. Your post just made me think about my own circumstances.
Again, good luck. I hope things improve for you soon.
I have no choice but to bear the abuse for now. It’s from my disabled daughter. I have no options, but we are working on it.
@Bowens I’m alright on just the antidepressants usually. But last night I did actually wonder if I was going to need to go inpatient. I really can’t afford to, I provide ALL housekeeping and care for my family. My husband tries to help, but he can’t do much. He beats himself up over it and pushes himself, then he ends up passing out amd falling. Sucks.
Then I am responsible for half the library week. My boss relies on me a lot. She considers me an equal partner. I can’t just upcand leave, I already had a lot of time off due to husband’s broken arm and then the water pipe problem.
Also i think everyone has a boiling point when dealing with someone stressing them with there actions. Eventually the anger comes out. You can diffuse it with activities you like and try reducing stress.
Yes stress does affect my symptoms more. But I’ve been doing well for the last few months and coping ok with just mild depression and anxiety and mild inserted thoughts/delusion
You’ve lasted two years longer than I would have. Seriously.
You may need to look at going back on meds or anti-anxiety meds. The problem isn’t you, but some stress can’t be easily removed. My own health goes up and down with my stress level, which is why I’m fanatical about managing stress (in-laws suck!).
I know you are joking, but isnt that really a good idea @anon4362788? (Not at the psychiatrist’s obviously :)). Here you have holidays and weekend foster cares and the like for disabled children. No clue about your situation at all, maybe you have long tried that.