The moment I close my eyes and try to relax my mind is riddled faith voices saying random stuff it’s so annoying it barely happens when I’m not about to rest unless I’m deeply psychotic
Sorry to hear this! I hope your symptoms improve. @Sis_Spamzalot
Have you tried Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)? It really helped get me to a place where my positive symptoms don’t bother me so much. Also, how is your stress level? I find managing my stress reduces my positive symptoms.
I haven’t tried cbt but I’ll bring it up to my psychiatrist and I feel like my stress isn’t to bad
Good luck – I’ve been where you are and it’s soooooo frustrating.
Did my comment offend you or something? You completely ignored it. Didnt respond back or like it. @Sis_Spamzalot
No it didn’t sometimes I’m in the middle of something while readying and I go on different apps I’m kinda all over the place I’m sorry @TheCanuk
Are you on meds? How long have you had sz? My voices went from mean and stressful to nice and harmless. Didn’t happen until I’d been sick for three years and landed on my current medicine, zyprexa. I hope it gets better for you.
Yes I’m on meds I’m on zyprexa and Abilify shot they suspect I have schIzoaffective since childhood cause I presented both mood swings and schizophrenia symptoms and I’m happy to hear they got nicer mine just say the most random things
It might be when your mind is idle that the voices come about. Happens to me at times before sleeping or when im doing a repetitive activity like cleaning or something that doesnt require thinking.
Headphones with music helps
I think that’s the case cause when it’s not quite I rarely can hear or understand
I have the same. I take zyprexa and vraylar.
Just try to ignore them. Mine has almost faded away. Only if I forget taking meds or if I’m stressed then the voices start bothering me again. I know you were recently diagnosed. Be patient, recovery takes time.
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