Stress and symptoms

This situation is dumb. Two mentally and financially healthy adults would buckle under the strain of what you’re dealing with. Your husband is getting kind of frail and you’re coping with mental illness. And, oh yes, being flat broke a lot of the time.

How do you “naturally” cope with a completely unnatural level of stress?

Your doc needs a percussive realignment.

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Maybe it’s time to go back on an AP full time

Stress unravels me quickly

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One episode after 2 years of non stop stress does not equal giving up for me.


I can’t handle stress at all off meds. On my current medication I’m able to handle a ton of stress. But even on meds I certainly would have a breaking point.

Being in your situation would probably bring me to my breaking point even on meds.

Keep an eye on things. Also get your husband to give you feedback on how he thinks you’re doing.

I’m sorry you’re having such a bad time.

Im rooting for you! I can only imagine how hard that is to manage

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