to deal with

There are these people who live in my block and were strangers
Theres people down the street, were all strangers
Theres people all around and i don’t know any of them
I know my husband, parents to a degree
I feel like a strange human being im a stranger to everyone on the planet and that is weird when my parents go one day or my husband goes i will have noone
I think about this a lot i am afraid of being completely alone and i couldn’t cope nor survive on my own . I think i would have to plead with my nurse to find me a place in a group home but i would crumble emotionally and mentally i would be devastated
I know a lady from mh rehab years ago and where i left after a year she went on to stay in another hospital for severely mentally ill who couldnt survive in group home totally dependant. Anyway i visited her a few times and took her presents like a mobile phone and a handbag etc but hubby says everyone uses me to get things off me. Great so im worse than useless


I have one friendly neighbor I talk to sometimes but sometimes he’s nosy. He has epilepsy.


Sounds familiar

When I was a teenager, people used to pretend to be my friends, but really they just were with me to smoke my weed and take other drugs I was doing at the time

Stupid thing is I did not realise this at the time

It took a drug worker on my 12 month rehab order from the court to show me the truth

They got me recovered from being an addict, but never helped me meet nice people


Yeah i think if it becomes a regular thing giving people stuff then thats what it is their users
We think were being nice kind but they just see us as an easy ride

Do you have siblings? Extended family members? Old friends that you can connect with?

I feel comfortable living alone, but I have an uncle with sz who lives in a psychiatric care home.

We’ll see what my destiny is and I hope life can be kind to you too!

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My siblings have no interest in me whatsoever
Ive nobody just hubby and parents like i say

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Maybe you can volunteer or find a hobby so that you can connect to people?

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Thanks for thinking about me and trying to help but i don’t think anyone is interested in me or thinks im worthwhile
Ps i tried group stuff before but nobody bothered with me
Sorry but im being honest mate


I dont thknk thats true…people do like ylu etc maybe youre just suffering from low self esteem or something. Schizophrenia does that cause a lot of the time the voices are negative toward us

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Yes i do have low self esteem and struggle with voices.
I will keep on trying with people to get to know people. In school and early twentys i always had a quiet friends. Maybe im best off with quiet people

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Yea birds of a feather flock together right. I think i get along well with quiet people too

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i also have trouble with strangers

I usually end up in the corner by myself even with family gatherings

for me its paranoia that they are talking about me

saying i am lazy and i exaggerate my symptoms

i dont have the coverage to tell them what living with sza and everything else is

I have some social skills, and I’m naturally cheerful and pleasant.

Mrs.Jayser lives in a low income apartment complex that is very nice. Every day, I walk to the mailboxes to get some exercise. She likes to get her mail every day, so that is pleasing to her.

The social interactions on the way to the mailbox and back are frightening to me. I exercise my courage muscles when I go out.

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